yeosang • love wins

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a request done for btsghostwriter ~


Y/n eyed the front door bitterly, waiting for the sound of footsteps in the hallway, the jingle of keys, the turn of the doorknob, the swing of the door, and her husband's smile to greet her. Only today, she wasn't in the mood to return any smiles or affections. Just like many nights before, Yeosang had promised to be home from the company by nine, but every time, he failed to keep to his promise and returned after midnight. He claimed he was working late, but y/n suspected otherwise. Her hand rested on her belly, where a baby was growing inside. Agonising nights had passed where she had wondered if there was infidelity in their marriage, whether or not Yeosang still loved her, whether he'd end up leaving her to become a single mother. She hated how her heart tightened and how her breathing became shallow and difficult. She hated how her intrusive thoughts spun out of control. She hated how she could not help but fear things that likely weren't going to happen. And she hated most that she was always the second lead female character in her own fake scenarios; the one who always ended up suffering most.

The jangle of Yeosang's keys finally sounded in the hallway. But y/n wasn't patient enough to wait for him to get into their apartment by himself. Despite being 32 weeks pregnant, she easily got up from the couch she had been lounging on and speed-walked to the front door. Just as she heard Yeosang inserting the key into the lock, she opened the door from the inside, leaving him startled. The scornful look on her face intimidated him, and he could not help feeling like he did something serious to upset her.

"What's wrong, Angel?" he asked, cautious of the glare she was sending his way.

"Where have you been, Kang Yeosang? Where do you go each and every time you promise me you will be back home by nine?" There wasn't a hint of kindness in her voice. To Yeosang, it all sounded rather like she was accusing him. He didn't know what to say.

Y/n didn't wait for him to say anything. Her head was already starting to spin, but she held her ground. "Why aren't you saying anything? Are you cheating on me? Are you scared to admit that you are getting it on with another woman?"

As if something had snapped inside him, Yeosang's face hardened. "I would never cheat on you, y/n. You should know that by now. We've been dating for four years and married for three, and never once have I thought about cheating on you."

"Then why don't you come back when you say you will?"

"Because I work late, y/n. Something always comes up and then I can't go home when I want to."

Y/n narrowed her eyes at her husband. "That's what you always say. You work late."

Yeosang threw his hands up in disbelief. "Why do you not believe me? Ask San, Wooyoung, Mingi, any of my members."

"Your members are your friends, and friends are there to have your back and to cover for you so you don't get in trouble," y/n scoffed, crossing her arms.

Yeosang felt like he was walking on eggshells no matter what he said. He couldn't tell if it was because she was pregnant, stressed out, or because of a dream about him cheating on her that she was suddenly extra suspicious of him. She had always been a bit clingy, and sometimes she doubted his love, thought of herself as unworthy of him, and was afraid that she'd lose him or that he would cheat. An anxious attachment style, she had told him.

In her childhood, she had not gotten as much affection as she would've liked. In previous relationships, she had been hurt after being left behind. It was only natural that she had developed a fear of abandonment. Yeosang knew all of this, and back when he found out, he wanted to do everything in his power to understand what she was going through and to give her everything she needed so that she would feel loved. And when there were times she doubted his love for her, he tried not to let it get to him because he knew why she was questioning it. They worked through things together. And they stood strong.

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