san ♤ frat boy (4)

642 29 25

Word count: ±3000


You watched as Hongjoong took the bowling ball and shifted it from hand to hand. Then, he prepared for the big moment – the moment of truth. He bravely lunged forward, releasing the ball from his hand. Initially, it rolled down the centre of the lane. You could see Hongjoong watching it anxiously. Hopeful. But then it curved to the right and missed all of the bowling pins.

"Hyung, you are so bad at this," Jongho said to him. You didn't catch the rest of their conversation, but Hongjoong was most likely trying to defend himself even though he knew very well that he was super bad at bowling.

You were sitting next to Seonghwa, who was trying to use Naver Maps to find the exact location of the Laser Tag centrum that Wooyoung had told everyone about. The GPS had brought you all to the bowling alley by mistake. And of course someone had to suggest a quick game of bowling. That someone was Jongho, whose name occupied the first place slot on the scoreboard so far. Hongjoong was in last place.

You sighed, wishing everyone would just give the winning title to Jongho so you could go play laser tag instead. But San and Wooyoung were very convinced that they had a chance against Jongho. They, along with Hongjoong, were the only ones still playing. Mingi and Yunho were taking goofy selfies together, Yeosang was trying to determine if he could do weightlifting with the bowling balls, Seonghwa struggled with Naver Maps, and you observed everyone to amuse yourself.

"Aha! Found it!" Seonghwa exclaimed, proud of himself. He showed you the spot on the map where the centrum was located, even though the area was unfamiliar to you.

The sound of pins being knocked over filled the alley. Jongho smirked as San, Wooyoung, and Hongjoong stared at him with open mouths. Jongho had once again knocked over all the pins. Mingi cheered, and Yunho gave a round of applause to congratulate the youngest for his talent.

"I give up," Hongjoong admitted and laid down on his back on the floor, exhausted. You wondered if the responsibility of maintaining and running a frat house played a part in his exhaustion. One of the things you had observed over the past week was that he and Seonghwa were like the parents in the house, with Yeosang and Jongho (mostly) as their behaved kids and the rest as their wild and unruly children who gave them grey hair. It was a rather comical scenario to imagine, though not for poor Hongjoong and Seonghwa.

"Let's go play laser tag already. It's obvious that Jongho is going to win," Mingi said to Wooyoung and San, as if insinuating that they were both stupid for thinking that they could beat Jongho. Well, perhaps they were.

"No," Hongjoong huffed from below on the floor. "I'm too tired to run around. Let's go to the amusement park instead. What do you think, Seonghwa?"

Seonghwa had an incredulous expression on his face. Had he just gone through all the trouble to find the laser tag centre, just for Hongjoong to suggest that they go elsewhere?

You noticed how Seonghwa was really trying his absolute best not to show how unfair it felt to him. "If the others want to go too, I think it's a great idea."

"Gather around, everyone!" Mingi yelled, making some of the other people in the bowling alley look at him. "Let's have a vote. Either you vote for laser tag or you vote for the amusement park."

In the end, a visit to the amusement park received the most votes. Out of everyone, only San and Yeosang voted for laser tag. You wondered if Seonghwa had voted for the amusement park for Hongjoong's sake.

"It's settled then. As soon as Jongho is done kicking San and Wooyoung's butts, we will be off to the amusement park!"


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