Chapter 29

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Alyx’s Point of View

“When are you going to bring your stuff here?” I ask Liam. I’m sitting on the couch while he makes breakfast. In my house, you can view the kitchen from the living room easily. It’s an open space which I like.

Liam leans over the counter, spatula in hand and a white apron on. “How about I bring my stuff over tonight?” He smiles which makes me smile. He turns his back to me to finish cooking. He didn’t tell me what he’s making but from what I’m smelling, I’m guessing banana pancakes, eggs and bacon. Which just so happens to be my favourite breakfast meal.

“All done!” Liam comes over and places a giant plate of banana pancakes in front of me. He goes over to the kitchen to get the rest of the food.

“Hold on, I’m going to go to the table first.” I laugh as I take the plate with me and sit down.

“That’s a good idea.” He sets down the rest of the food and then joins me. I could get used to this. Sure it’ll be different without my mum but I’m glad that Liam is here to help me through it.

“These are brilliant, babe.” I say with a mouthful of banana pancakes. He just smiles and takes a bite of his own.

“Hey, maybe after we’ve been settled for a few days, we can have a house party.” He finishes his last bite and then gets up to do the dishes.

“Sounds perfect.”


Liam’s Point of View

I rush through the door of the flat and run into mine and Niall's room, boxes secured under my arm. It’s around dinner time so I’m trying to hurry up so I can cook something for Alyx. I was thinking about making spaghetti with some garlic bread and salad.

The boys said that Niall was getting sick but that he’s been up and walking again. I’ve been really worried about him. I haven’t really seen him. The last time I saw him, he was unconscious.

“Niall! You home?” I shout as I bang on the door.

“Yeah! Come on in.” I struggle to keep the boxes under my arms as I open up the door. Niall is pulling on a blue sweater as I walk in.

“What’s with the bo- Oh.” He looks away and pretends to pick up clothes that are on the floor. I know he’s faking because he never picks up unless we’re leaving.

“Niall? What’s wrong?” I set down the boxes on the bed and then sit down. He tosses some clothes pathetically towards the closet.

“Just still feeling sick.” He turns and gives me a weak smile.

“Are you well enough to help me pack?” I wink at him. “Just kidding.” I get up and start packing my clothes.

Niall walks over to my dresser and picks up my picture of Alyx. He stares at it for a moment and then hands it to me.

“Here.” He says and then walks out of the room. He’s acting funny but I’ll let it slide. He’s not feeling well and I can’t blame him. He’s been through a lot. I know that when I'm upset, I usually act the complete opposite of who I am.

I quickly pack up my things and label the boxes with what’s what. I walk out of the room and see that Niall is sitting on the couch watching something on the telly.

“Want something to eat?” I ask. “I’ll make something for you if you like.”

“No thanks...I’m not hungry.” I just gape at him. He must be really sick if he isn’t hungry at all. I shake my head and walk into the kitchen anyways. I quickly whip up a ham sandwich and carry it out to him.

“You need to eat.” Niall looks up at me and I can swear I see a tear roll down his cheek but he takes the plate and turns his head before I can get a second glance.

“Thanks.” He mumbles.


Alyx’s Point of View

I look at the calendar and see that tomorrow is Valentines Day. My heart skips a beat as I remember my nightmare.

Just try not to think about it.’ I tell myself. But then again, how can I not? I have to get Liam a present! I’ll just have to do it in the morning.

I walk over to the fridge and open the door.

“We’re out of milk.” I mumble to myself. I think about calling Liam and having him pick some up, but there’s no store on the way from the flat and back. I guess he could always bring some from the flat itself but with Niall being Niall, he’ll need all the milk he can get. Liam could always get some milk from the hotel kitchen.....

“No. It’s okay.” I say out loud. I don’t want to be a burden. Plus it’ll give me an excuse to leave the house tomorrow.

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