Chapter 27

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Alyx’s Point of View

Bright lights blur my vision. A tingly sensation erupts in the tips of my fingers and the tips of my toes. My throat feels like sandpaper and my eyelids feel heavy. A moan escapes my lips even though they are barely opened.

“Alyx?” A male voice says. I can’t move my head, but I pry my eyes open further. Deep brown eyes are looking down at me.

‘Liam.’ I mouth. My voice is gone, I can’t speak.

“Sh..Alyx. It’s okay. You don’t need to talk. Niall is still unconscious but the guard told me what happened. I’m so sorry, baby.” He gets up and hugs me. I realize that I’m not even in a hospital. I’m at Liam’s flat, in his bed. I must of been unconscious for the whole plane ride back to England.

“Niall....” I muster out. My voice is low and ragged. Liam looks confused and looks over his shoulder.

“He’s in his own room. There’s a doctor in there now. He’s going to be fine though. He just passed out due to shock and from being hit in his head by your dad. You guys aren't in a hospital because it would be too risky with the press and all.” My voice all of a sudden reappears and my head stops spinning. I lift my arms to my neck and unlatch the neck brace that’s on it.

“Alyx, you shouldn’t be moving. You were in a small coma.” I look into his eyes and smile.

“I love you, Liam. But I’m fine.” I lean in and kiss him. He closes his eyes and strokes my cheek with his thumb.

“I wish I could have been there to protect you.” He whispers into my neck.

“If it wasn’t for you, I would have been even more hurt....even dead. Thank you for insisting Niall go with me.” I stand up and my stomach lurches but I hold it in.

“Could you drive me home please? I need to talk to my mum.” He stands up and takes my arm to keep me steady.


“I want to talk to her alone if you don’t mind.” Liam parked the car in my driveway. I need to tell my mum what happened in Oregon.

“That’s fine. I understand.” He opens the door for me and I get out. It’s windy today and the clouds are a nice shade of grey. I take in a deep breath and smell the air. It’s sweet and smells like wood.

I take out my key and unlock the door.

“Mum? I’m home!” No answer. I know she’s home, her car is in the driveway. I go to the kitchen to see if she’s there.

She’s not. “Mum!” Maybe she’s asleep.

I run upstairs and knock on her bedroom door before going inside. It’s dark so I turn on the lights.

I wasn’t expecting to scream as loud as I did.

There, laying on her bed is my mother. It would have looked like she was sleeping, if her eyes weren’t wide open and if there wasn’t deep gashes in both of her wrists.

“Mum!” I scream again. I can tell that she’s dead. She’s probably been dead for a day or two. Her body reeks of death and blood.

I cautiously walk over to her to see a note pinned to her chest. And when I say pinned to her chest, I mean literally pinned to her chest. There is a safety pin lodged through her skin, the note, is obviously a suicide note.

Tears form in my eyes as I rip the pin out of her skin and take a look at the note.


I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you about your twin sister sooner. I really regret not saying anything.

But I’m sure that your father told you, we made an agreement with the Queen.

I don’t know what else he said but I need you to know that I love you. I always loved you. If your father said otherwise, he was lying.

I wish I didn’t give up my little Echoe. I wanted to keep her but we didn’t have the money. We

barely made it by with you. And you went through so much. And I blame myself for not being able to protect you.

It was never your fault that it is ending this way. I chose this life. I only wish that your father

could have been the same man he was when I first met him; kind, caring, so full of love. He had a great sense of humour. I don’t know what went wrong.

Go find Echoe. Tell her what you found out. You can finally be a family together. I just wish I could have been apart of it too. But you’re both better off without me. And so is this world.

I’ve been depressed for so long, Alyx. (I wish you would have let me call you Jane. It's such a beautiful name.) Whenever I went away on business trips, I was really going around the world drinking at different bars. The only reason we had so much money was because I sold many items that the Queen sent me after finding out that we were struggling. I kept that from your father.

Tell Echoe that I love her even though I never got to raise her as my own.

Remember me as the mother who loved you with all her heart, not the mother who gave up.

I love you so much.

~Julia Harrison.

“MUM!” I fall to my knees and cry out. I hear footsteps coming up to the bedroom but I ignore them.

“Oh my God, Alyx. Let’s get out of here.” Liam’s voice is scared and shallow. I can’t stop crying.

“Hello? Yes I need the police. There’s a body here at the big house on 748th street. It’s the only house on the block you can’t miss it. It’s an obvious suicide, yes. Thank you.” He comes over to me and takes the note away from my hands. He doesn’t look at it but just puts it in his pant pocket. He then picks me up and carries me all the way down stairs.

He walks me over to the living room and sets me down on the couch. I curl up in a ball and close my eyes.

Someone knocks on the door and Liam gets up to answer it. Soon policemen are in my house and bounding upstairs.

“Mum.” I whimper. Liam comes over to me and pulls me into his lap. I stayed in a ball as he rocks me back and forth, singing to me softly. But I can’t hear what he’s singing. Everything around me is moving in slow motion. I can slowly see my world begin to fall apart right in front of my eyes.

“Alyx.” Liam whispers in my ear. I look up at his face to see his worried expression. His eyes are so filled with love and hope. I wish I could be like that right now.

“Promise me something.” I nod my head to get him to continue but he just waits for a verbal answer.

“Anything, Liam.” He looks down and then back into my eyes.

“Promise me that you’ll stay here with me, that you won’t leave. Stay with me forever.” He mutters.

“I’ll never leave you, Liam. That’s a promise.” I snuggle into his chest as he kisses the top of my head. I mean to keep that promise. I love Liam more than anything or anyone. He’s all I got left in this world, well, besides my twin sister. But that doesn’t count. I’ve never met her before.

I start to feel sleepy as I lay in Liam’s lap. Breathing in the scent of him isn’t helping me either. It always calms me down, relaxes me. Soon enough, I’m dead asleep.

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