Chapter 20: Arrival at Susa

Start from the beginning

She continued carefully, "In Susa, Apollo's oracle tells us to get advice from a man who can help us understand important secrets that Apollo wants. Can your group help us get there quickly so we can do our pilgrimage?"

The trader nodded. "Because you are helpful and Apollo blesses you, you can travel with us."

As Themistonoe wrote down what they were doing, the others helped to get ready to leave. Ikkos took care of the animals' medical needs. Mnesarete entertained the trader's children with stories. Dex made sure the packs were balanced properly.

Slowly, the group of caravans went through the city gates and started going into the open countryside. The friends travelled beside the group of camels across rural landscapes for two weeks. Each day brought new views and meetings.

They woke up before sunrise to pack up camp, working together to put their things on the animals. They ate simple food while they were moving to keep themselves going during the long time on the horses.

At night, they looked up at the beautiful stars. Around the campfires, people from different lands told each other stories and sang songs. The friends learned a lot about the different people living along the trade routes.

They saw villages and small towns where they got more supplies. The dry plains and hills slowly turned into greener hills and orchards. The main roads, built by old empires, made their travel easier as they went east.

On the eighth day of travelling with the group, dark clouds came together as they went along a quiet part of the road. The animals got nervous as the wind picked up, bringing stinging sand.

Around midday, a group of rough bandits came out of the sand dunes, carrying swords and clubs. The trader and his friends got ready to protect themselves, standing in a circle around the animals.

The robbers asked for money and goods, clearly outnumbering the members of the group travelling together. Tension increased until Mnesarete had an idea: she offered to tell the robbers their fortunes for a small fee, hoping to avoid a conflict.

Her skilled predictions, tapping into each man's hopes and fears, made the robbers hesitate. They agreed to leave peacefully if one of the companions went with them to a sacred place to ensure good luck.

Despite feeling anxious, Chrysomallo volunteered, believing in her ability to prevent violence with her wisdom. She impressed the robbers with her healing skills, gaining their trust.

By evening, during a sandstorm, the group of companions reunited safely. Mnesarete shared the events at the sacred place and explained the difficult lives of the robbers that led them to such actions. Finally, on the fourteenth day, as they reached the top of the hill, the weary travellers stopped to admire the incredible view below.

"Wow, look at the size!" exclaimed Dex, amazed at the massive stone walls surrounding the outskirts of Susa. Towering gatehouses stood along the walls.

Shielding her eyes from the bright sun, Mnesarete observed, "These walls stretch for miles. This is not just a normal settlement; it's a city!" Ikkos nodded in agreement, captivated by the vastness of the place.

Chrysomallo hurriedly wrote on her tablet as she exclaimed, "I must document every detail. This place is more incredible than I could have imagined!"

Themistonoe studied the land and pointed out, "Look, caravans are coming in from all directions. This is a thriving centre for traders and caravans."

An impatient camel let out a loud sound, eager to continue the journey. But for the companions, the excitement outweighed their tiredness now. They had finally arrived at Susa's gates.

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