Chapter Twenty-Two

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What had she done?

Christianna let out a heavy sigh as she closed the door and leaned against it. She closed her eyes, but all she could see was the hurt expression on Sir Percival's face. He had been completely baffled by every question and accusation she had thrown at him.

He didn't outright deny anything, but he had made excuses for his behavior. Other young ladies didn't like him, but not just because he had gambled away a fortune. He even tried to justify the idea of her inheriting her aunt's money, believing she deserved it. He was close to bankruptcy and just didn't want to talk about it.

It all made her head spin. The fact that there was some, tiny kernel of truth to her father's words made her feel nauseous. She didn't want to agree with him. Not after he had exiled her from her family for five years.

Her heart ached as she tried to breathe normally. Why was she even thinking about Sir Percival? He hadn't been honest with her. She should just forget him and.... What was she supposed to do next?

"Miss?" Fanny's concerned voice asked. "Are you well? Is something wrong?"

"I'm fine," Christianna managed to say, opening her eyes. Her head ached with fatigue and the tangle of her emotions. Why couldn't she think straight? She pushed herself up straight, determined to not let her weakness show. "I should go see what my father and Aunt Steit are talking about."

The cook frowned. "Are you sure? You're crying."

Was she? Christianna reached up and found there were tears on her cheeks. "Oh. I'm sure. I mean, I'm fine," she said swiftly, wiping the moisture away with her hand. She put on a forced smile and added, "I must just be more tired than I realized. Today is turning out to be quite a challenging one."

"I said no!"

A loud shout from the upper level caused both of their heads to snap towards the stairs. "Oh, dear. What now?" Christianna sighed. She rushed to the steps and started up.

"Aunt, please calm yourself," came Mr. Cooper's response. "You are only working yourself up over nothing."

"Get out of my house!"

Honestly, Christianna was surprised it had taken this long to reach this point. Her father's behavior towards his aunt had not been the most endearing, and Aunt Steit was already on edge.

"Aunt, I'm coming" she called out as she reached the top of the stairs. "Is everything alright? Father, what are you doing?"

Her father stumbled through the library doorway, barely managing to avoid falling. The door slammed shut behind him. "She's insane!" he exclaimed. "She threatened to hit me with her cane."

"What did you say to her?" Christianna demanded. She was under no illusion that her father was blameless. She could easily see him goading the older woman into a display of anger.

"I was merely expressing concern for a woman of her age living alone in such a big house," Mr. Cooper said, straightening his jacket. "It's important for her to spend time with family who will take care of her."

"Then, I am surprised it was only a threat of hitting you," Christianna said, crossing her arms. "It is not your place to enter her home and dictate how she should live her life. What right do you think you have to do such a thing?"

"As the head of the family—"

"If anyone is the head of the family, it is Uncle Cooper," Christianna interrupted ruthlessly. "He is twenty years older than you, and he inherited Cooper Lodge. You are a second son, not the heir. It will take sonme extraordinary circumstances for you to be the head of the family."

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