Chapter Two

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 Christianna Cooper shut her eyes for a moment and tilted her head back, taking in the sun's rays that beamed through the cloudless sky. Despite the warmth of the light, a chill ran through her body as an icy wind blew across her skin. The rare sunny day was a reminder of how much she cherished those moments of brightness during this unusually wet and cold year.

Still, it was refreshing to breathe in the fresh air.

"Miss Cooper, you mustn't stay in the sun like that. I shudder to think what this could do to your complexion. What would your mother think if she saw you now?"

Holding back a sigh, Christianna opened her eyes and turned around. The interruption came from her ever-present companion, Miss Smith. The other woman waved her hand at an insect that had dared to fly too close.

"It would be a shame to waste this beautiful sunny weather," Christianna responded, forcing a smile. "If you do not feel up for a turn about the garden, I'm sure no harm will come to me while you return inside."

The other woman scowled and folded her arms. "Your parents asked me to look after you, Miss Cooper. And I've done my job without fail for the past four years," she said sternly. "And I will continue to do so now."

"But who would I even talk to that my parents wouldn't approve of?" Christianna questioned. "There's not even a gardener around here to threaten my virtue or ruin my reputation."

"No, because then you would be free to cause yourself harm in some other form."

Blossom Place was several miles from the closest village. There were no horses to ride. Even if she were inclined to run away, Christianna knew it would have been more trouble than it was worth. She would ruin her shoes before she reached anywhere of any importance.

After all, wasn't that one of the many reasons her father had decided to send her to her great-aunt's home?

"Contrary to what my father might have told you, Miss Smith, I'm not planning on running away. All I want is to take a walk in the garden," she said coolly. It was hard to stay civil when the other person kept up a steady stream of criticism and disagreements.

Miss Smith gestured at the flower beds that had been left to grow wild. Green grass clung to the edges, threatening to overtake the flowers that struggled to survive. "What do you find to enjoy in this jungle? There is nothing attractive to be found here. Even if I did not already know there was no gardener, a single look would have informed me!"

"I don't need a perfectly manicured garden to appreciate it." Christianna turned her back on the woman, struggling to hold onto her enthusiasm for the day. If only she could turn the woman out and be rid of her negative attitude!

"It has been almost half an hour since you stepped outside. Please return inside."

But Christianna had her limits, and the answer was a loud and decisive "No."

"Miss Cooper, I must insist—"

Some rebellious streak that had never left Christianna impelled her to say, "Insist if you feel you must, but it will do you no good. No one said this was to be an easy post for you, Miss Smith. You may be directed to watch me at all times, but no one said I was to obey any commands you might give. You are, after all, my companion and not my governess."

"Though I am not your governess, my job is to help you and prevent you from acting on your impulsiveness."

Although the thought brought a chuckle to Christianna's lips, it was not from mirth. "I think we must agree to disagree on that point, ma'am. I find it difficult to accept that my parents would believe someone not related to me could have a stronger influence than them when I refused to heed their advice."

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