Chapter Six

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Fanny's news that Sir Percival Ormund was on the doorstep was something Christiana really didn't believe when she heard it. She may have briefly thought the previous day's visitor had been Mr. Ormund—no, his father must have died since Fanny had said it was Sir Percival— but she hadn't really believed it possible. And when her aunt had dismissed it as impossible, Christianna had agreed.

She may have thought of the young man often over the years, but why would he think of her? Her father had not seen his potential, but surely there had been other young ladies who were eager to be Lady Ormund.

Fanny had insisted the man was determined to see her. Christiana's curiosity had made it impossible for her to stay away. Now, she found herself standing in front of the door, not quite believing what she saw.

Here was the tall young man who had charmed her with his awkwardness and honesty. There were lines around his eyes that made him appear older, but she knew she must look older, too. It had been five years, after all.

He was dressed in a way that seemed more appropriate for the city than the country. His tan breeches were tightly tucked into his worn, mud-soaked boots, while his black greatcoat hid a green waistcoat beneath it. Despite its rough exterior, his clothing appeared to be freshly pressed and clean.

She wished she had chosen one of her new dresses instead of the sage-colored walking dress that she always seemed to select. Normally, she chose comfort over style, but today was different. Why did this day have to be that kind of day?

Even Sir Percival's greeting was just what he would have said in London, an indication of his nerves. He was just as nervous as he had ever been at the parties in London. Was she glad he was the same person she remembered or disheartened that he hadn't changed?

"Good morning, Mr. Ormund—Forgive me, I meant to say Sir Percival," she greeted him with a smile. She closed the door behind her and took a few steps forward. She had an urge to reach out and shake his hand, but it was too forward of her. "I'm surprised to see you here."

A smile flickered on his face, changing his expression from serious to one of delight. "I came yesterday but a fierce woman ordered me away." As he spoke, an expression of horror crossed his face and he snatched his top hat off his head. He made a formal bow, just as he would have if they were standing in a London drawing room.

Christianna awkwardly dropped into a curtsy, feeling amused and ridiculous. Why should they be sticking to societal conventions here in Blossom Place? Who was going to criticize them for not making a proper greeting?

"Was that you at the door yesterday? I apologize for Miss Smith's rudeness. She apparently had strict orders from my father not to allow anyone to visit me," she explained, regretting very much that she hadn't rushed to the door. "Thankfully, she isn't here anymore. My aunt..."

How to explain something she didn't fully understand herself? "Well, my aunt did not appreciate Miss Smith taking over where she had no right," she concluded with a rueful smile "So Miss Smith had to leave. You won't have to face her down again."

Sir Percival nodded, looking faintly relieved. "I saw Miss Smith in the village last evening. She was anxious to get to London, clearly irritated that she had to spend a night at the inn. As far as I knew when I left this morning, she hadn't departed yet."

That came as no surprise. She'd always known her companion reported every move she made and every word she spoke. But would her father be in London or at their country estate? How much time would she have before her father descended on her to haul her off to another obscure relative's house?

"Was I—" Sir Percival hesitated before adding, "Did I make things harder for you by coming here?"

"No." Christianna couldn't hold back a laugh. "I'd actually like to thank you for getting me out of Miss Smith's clutches. I've been stuck with her for four years now. She was always watching my every move!"

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