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Four months past by pretty quickly for the now blended family. Because of the fight with James about them having another child, it's been two months since Harry spoke to his father. Lily come to the to see the boys, but when Harry's cancer came back? They needed a place to stay that somebody was always there, and that ended up being Remus's studio apartment. Tonkes was always home with her children and the older ones aided in taking care of him if needed be. That wasn't often, because the tumors were caught early. Chemotherapy hopefully would do the treat and they didn't believe he needed a harsh around. Eating, was still difficult, but Harry kept on his feet most of the time.

Remus was used to the boys coming into the house when they got themselves ready. Remus, tonkes, or one of the older kids would sometimes have to fix Matthew clothes, but he was only three. Matthew often woke the rest of the kiddos up by playing their piano. Something else they were used to. Matthew loved to play and Remus had a new piano bought for the Sunday school for him to play during Sunday school music.
The two boys often listened in on the Bible listening and James started their homeschool program, but did get enrolled in the program at the special school. It made things a bit easier on James, when he couldn't keep up with the other boys. James felt better about himself, and that meant a lot to the small boy. It meant a lot to Draco and Harry that James felt better about himself.

The morning started when Matthew started to play earlier then normal. Remus yawned turning into the living room, Matthew was still in his jammies. Remus did let his finish the song, taking a drink of his mug of coffee. "You didn't get dressed?" Remus asked and Matthew turned around on the bench. "Pappy got sick. Couldn't go back to sleep. Isaiah has cloth?" Matthew asked. "He does, but your a bit small, still. Come on, let's go look in the big closet." Remus said. "Pappy?" He asked. "I'll go check on him, alright? I'll show you the boxes first." Remus said.


Remus stopped at the door to the studio apartment kept above his carport and gave it a knock. Little footsteps came to the door and opened it. "Uncle." James said, holding up his arms. Remus picked him up and settled the boy of five and half on his hip, walking into the apartment and shut the door behind him. Draco was picking up the boys 'room' the living area of the studio apartment. "I told him to wait, I know it's still early." Draco said. "No worries. He enjoys the time playing. Harry okay?" Remus asked, getting a head rested on his shoulder. James's body was hurting a bit. He joined swimming and it took a lot out of him Friday evening. Remus just give his head a light kiss. "Rest, buddy." He said, before turning back towards Draco. "He's back in bed. Give it about an hour, his morning medicine to start working, and he'll feel better in sure." Draco said. "Isaiah has some old clothes, Matt's going through them now. I'll take James and get them ready. Harry spent the evening with the girls so I'm sure he is ready to play. Let him rest a bit longer." Remus said. "Mum's picking me up early. They are throwing Zoe a bash before Mass." Draco said. "Lay out his clothes, then. I'll get him up and about then. Haven't seen your lot in a while." Remus asked. "Twins been keeping her busy. Skyler and Sammy moved into the manor, again.... Wendy...had another operation...so, I haven't wanted to call in a bit." Draco said. "Well, the picnic is in July." Remus said. "Nappy, uncle." James yawned. "Alright, buddy. Just lay the clothes out and be careful?" Remus said. "Of course, thank you." Draco said.


Remus eased a hand on Harry's shoulder. "Um?" Harry mumbled. "I let you sleep as long as I could." Remus said and Harry eased on his back. "Headache." Harry said. "Where's your pain killers?" Remus asked. "Safe, closet. Keys hanging on the little hook." Harry said.
Half an hour later, Harry got dressed and pour himself for a cup of coffee. "You wasn't going to tell me he was attending?" Harry said. "Your mom only told me last night. I did, speak to him." Remus said. "I know...uncle. Dad and I have always have our disagreements. Just breaks between them. Nothing new." Harry said. "Harry." Remus said and Harry turned around facing him. "I'm not taking to him." Harry said. "You father is just worried, you must understand that." Remus said. "You haven't a clue on half the shit that has came out of his mouth. Matthew should have already had a sibling and Draco still won't tell me what he said! I don't think he ever and that's not okay. Alright? He just doesn't know how to leave us alone." Harry huffed out. "I know your father had his words, but he is still your father. You have to understand he is probably just trying to look out for you." Remus said. "By telling us we shouldn't have another kid because I'm sick? That's fucked and you know it." Harry said, turning and dumping the mug of coffee into the sink. "He's just worried, Harry. I understand they caught it early, but last time? It took so long...you got so sick and he had two little boys to worry about. Your parents, aren't exactly set up to take on your kids if something happened to you." Remus said. "They'd have Draco and his biological parents have plenty of money, if you haven't noticed. They'd take the children." Harry said, dropping down at the table, in one of the seats. "Are you certain of this?" Remus asked. "Yeah. Each Christmas we ask, to be certain. Lucius said to stop because they'd take the children, rather it's three or ten. I'm changing my will. They will go to Draco or his parents. I won't have my kids around him being such an ass. At least I understand your voice." Harry huffed out, a hand going to his head. Harry's headache wasn't really going away. Remus let out a sigh and joined his nephew at the table. "I'm never going to agree with your partner, Harry, and I am sorry for that, but I love you and I love those boys. I learned, the hard way, what is important to me. As long as I keep my faith, that's all that matters son. Your father, has to learn his lesson, but do promise me one thing." Remus said softly. "What's that?" Harry asked. "Be certain Draco and your children are cared for, if something were to happen to you." Remus said. "They will be, Uncle." Harry said. "Then that is what matters, okay? Don't shut your father out for to long, my nephew." Remus said, looking down at his watch. "We really must get going." He then said.

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