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"Are you going to be able to watch James, tomorrow?" Harry asked. "I'm sure that can be arranged, but what's up?" Narcissa asked. "I booked a reservation at this restaurant tomorrow, and then we are going to get a hotel room. I'll pay you." Harry said. "I'm not going to charge you, to watch my grandson." Narcissa said and after a moments thought, she realized what tomorrow was. "Exactly, what time would you need to leave?" She asked. "About five." Harry said and she nodded.

Samantha soon came down with Zoe. She was three months old and starting to get very well alert. She was holding her own head up and her eyes got all wide eyed when she seen grandma. "Hi, baby!" Narcissa said and Samantha eased her down to sit on Narcissa lap. Narcissa hand holding the little girl to her belly and the baby giggled. "She is getting to be a big girl." Narcissa smiled lightly. "can you sit with her? I have to pick something up at the store, it was suppose to come three days ago, but I suppose it isn't to late." Samantha asked. "Yeah. Just leave the diaper bag close by." Narcissa said.

"Lucius?" Narcissa called for once Samantha and her boyfriend left. "Coming!" He said form somewhere upstairs and soon came down the stairs. He smiled and lend down, getting looked at by big eyes. "Somebody comfortable now?" He smiled and ruffled her little hair. "What's up, love?" Lucius asked. "Can you call in a favor to your jeweler, tonight?" Narcissa asked. "I'm sure I can, but what's up?" Lucius asked. "Draco's Birthday is tomorrow, not something I've really ... Tried to think about in quiet a few years." Narcissa said. "Yeah, I'll bring the laptop down." Lucius said.

Lucius laid Zoe down on her tummy on the playpat and play a few toys close by her before the two of them settled down on the couch. Narcissa looking through pictures of options to give to Draco on his birthday, but she wasn't sure if he would like any of it. "Why about St. Joseph?" Lucius asked. "He...did say his faith was very important to him." Narcissa said, smiling lightly. "Can you get it by four tomorrow?" She asked. "I'll call tonight and I'm sure I can pick it up in the morning." Lucius said, before Zoe fussed. She couldn't reach the toy she wanted. "Awe, baby." Narcissa said. Lucius seen where her little hand was and lend down, pushing the toy over to her. Her little hand slowly locked around it.

Draco woke up to a light kiss of his cheek the following morning. "Hi." Draco smiled lightly, starting to get kissed. "Happy birthday, Love." Draco said and getting pulled down, Draco's ass getting pushed to Harrys crouch. Draco smiled. "Yes, please."

Draco was standing in the bathroom, brushing his hair when his little toddler giggled and grabbed his leg. Draco smiled. "Hi, big boy!" Draco said, lending down and picking up his boy. James giggled and nuzzled to his daddy before James put him in the sink to sit. "Daddy's got to finish getting ready. I hear you are going to be spending the night with Grandma Nassy!" Draco said, as he finished getting ready for the day.
He also got James ready for the day, before he finally went downstairs.

He seen a small gift sitting on the coffee table. With Wendy's normal warpping paper. It had been a couple years since he was able to open a gift form her. He was certain she disliked him too, but maybe-maybe not. He put James down on his feet and James went to play as Draco eased on the couch and grabbed the gift. He slowly opened the box to see a charm bracelet. One like he lost all those years ago. He smiled lightly, and put it on. "Stay here, buddy. I'll be right back."

Draco made the slow walk through the house and onto the third floor. That's where Wendy had pretty much been staying to keep away form Draco and Samantha as she recovered form her operation. The one she had on her heart, the one that most likely saved her.
She was sitting at the desk in the room, her laptop and a few other things had been brought here form the house they once lived in. Draco assumed she was working. She worked form home, because he health was always up and down. She could call and request more projects or call and let them know she could no longer work. Her boss was always understanding. Her C.D playing close by. Nobody every sung it was just like maybe jazz music. Something claim. She always listen to it when she worked, sometimes when she'd lay down. Draco always assumed it helped relaxed her. Even if he didn't understand it.
She didn't here Draco enter the room, who was still light on his feet. Draco thought about calling out for her, but he wasn't sure what to call her. She hadn't really been a mother to him since they came out, but there was still a part of him that cared about her, very much. So, he put his hand on her shoulder. She paused for a moment before she spoke. "I couldn't ever find the one you lost...I just replaced it." She said softly. "I...want to think somebody at the academy took it. It disappeared after Gym." Draco said. "How come you didn't say anything?" Wendy asked and Draco shrugged his shoulders. "Just seemed like another reason he might of got angry. Didn't seem worth it." Draco said kind of softly but eased down, giving her a light hug. He didn't let go, but didn't hold tightly. She had surgery after all and he didn't want to hurt her. That was still a real possibility, hurting her. "Thanks, really." Draco said softly. "Your welcome." She said softly, hugging him back.

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