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Harry got little sleep the night before waking up at a little after four, leaving his sleeping husband in the bed and walked over to the little kitchen area and started a pot of coffee.
So of Harry's lake of sleep is the chemotherapy running throughout his body, but another part of it is, he was unsure of how today (or tomorrow) would go. Remus of course wanted to talk, but it ended the same way. Harry being preach too, about his life choices. Something Harry wasn't at all ready to listen too, because he felt like death. His stomach still ached and he knew come breakfast, his mother would try and make him eat. Just the thought of food was making him sick.
He poured himself a cup of coffee before he eased down on the couch, looking over at his sleeping toddler, a boy who is about to be two years old, sleeping in the play pen in the living room area.
Harry would half about half his coffee finished, when Remus knocked lightly on the door. Harry grabbed his light jacket, throwing it over his shoulders and put his slippers on. He wasn't feeing good, obviously, and was freezing cold currently. He opened the door and if course Remus came inside. "I can have a heater brought, if the heat isn't strong in here. I know the AC works well." He said. "It's just me." Harry replied, sitting back down on the couch and he would be joined. "The accident. I didn't get much details on it." He said. "A car accident, drunken driver, but because nobody actually died, she only got a couple years. Lucius is sueing her for medical expenses on James, but I just want to forget it." Harry said. "I can understand why he would want somebody to pay, isn't the Malfoy's his biological parents?" Remus asked. "Yeah. Draco took my name, so we don't have to change it, but it's been...a difficult few months, and the court date they have to attend, I'm sure the date, I haven't Even told him. It mostly effects his sister." Harry said and after a pause. "Your father called me around the time the arrest made the news. Your father went on about the charges the man faced, including on young Samantha. How is she?" Remus asked. "Better, but something like that will always stay with her. What exactly, did you want to talk about?" Harry asked. It kept quiet for a few minutes, like Remus was hunting for the right words to speak. It was enough time for Harry to pick a fussy James up out the playpen and start making him a little breakfast. The toddlers cries since soften as he half drank his water out of his bottle, sitting in the highchair. Remus stood in the kitchen area and glanced over at the young man still asleep in the bed. "I don't want you to be a stranger anymore Harry." Remus said. "It always ends with you preaching, Remus. You can't just undo years." Harry said, putting the little plate on his tray and James slowly grabbed his baby fork. "I know it won't happen easily, but the children have miss you." Remus said. "I don't think it's a good idea, I only agreed to come, because I didn't want to send James here a whole weekend without one of us. I remember everything, including what you said, repeatedly, hoping you could summon it out of me or whatever it was you were trying to do." Harry said, pouring himself another cup of coffee and Remus let out a sigh. "I know, Harry. You also know I have devoted my life to Christ. My children are raised on the books in the bible and it's not easy. It's not every going to be, but if I can't find a middle ground with you. I'll loose more then just you and your son." Remus said. Harry stood there, stirring the bit of honey in his black coffee. His stomach already upset form the half of cup he had before. "I don't come alone, Remus. I'm married and our second son is due in less then a month." Harry said. "I'll keep my thought away, at least to you all, but I do request it keeps away form at least my youngest children." Remus said. "I'm not one for public affection anyway, watch...him." Harry said, before he took of for the bathroom.


After a few minutes and James finishing his breakfast, Remus picked the boy up who held onto his side and Remus gave the bathroom door a knock. "Harry?" He said, but nothing came form the other side. Remus eased the toddler down on his feet. James just stood there, looking to his left, he seen the play area. He could make that walk, he was rested so, he slowly started to walk towards it. Remus gave the door another knock. "... second." Harry half mumbled back, but Remus knew it wasn't close to his normal voice. He pushed the bathroom door opened, Harry holding his head up, with his elbow on the toilet.
He just reached over and flushed the toilet. "Let's get you cleaned up and back to bed." Remus said holding down his hand, that after a pause, Harry took it and let Remus pull him to his very unsteady feet.


Remus took James to the 'big house' as the little kids always called it and sat him down to play with the rest of the children, before finding his wife. "Can you check on Harry? You have always been better with such things." He asked. "When did he start chemotherapy? Or is it just post surgery?" She asked. "I think just post surgery, but I can't be sure." Remus said. "Come on, then. The twins can keep an eye on the baby for a few minutes." She said, before grabbing her home nursing bag.
He would follow her back to the car port studio apartment and over to the bed. Harry had a temperature and sat up on the bed, stoping her form playing doctor. "Just...side effects, I'll be fine." Harry said. "You got out of the hospital Friday morning, and then came here, did you not?" Remus asked. "Father set up my chemotherapy treatment, and it started yesterday. It's aggressive, but has a higher chance of actually fixing me." Harry said. "Did they not opt for redaction?" She asked. "It might come to that, but I don't know. I'll be fine, alright? Just, need to sleep for a bit." Harry said.


They would leave and let Harry get some rest.

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