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Harry slowly sat up in the bed he shared with his husband, Draco, alone. He'd been asleep for a while, going to bed very early the day before and the sun had went down and up once more. Harry's treatment was really kicking his butt, keeping him in bed most of the time. So, any hopes for Harry to leave the Malfoy Manor with his children and husband, wasn't possible. Not until he could take care of himself and that was hardly any time of the day. He was loosing a lot of weight, for hardly able to eat, but was fighting a feeding tube. He knew he would feel even less of a man if he took the bloody tube. His father couldn't yet take control over his health choices, only try and convince him to get it, or to yet, but neither was happening and it just worried James Potter and his wife, Lily.

Harry grabbed his light jacket and through it over his shoulders. He was freezing but no amount of heat would help, so he often didn't say just how cold he felt. His hair was completely gone. Harry wore bennies now, often hand made by Narcissa, who enjoyed making them. She as currently on bed rest. Her high risk pregnancy got more risky a bit a go. One of the babies seemed to be struggling to grow, so the doctor order her off her feet, to lessen the stresses on the unborn babies. Hopefully, giving the unhealthy one time to grow, but told to expect they might only leave the hospital with two of their babies. She didn't want to expect that, but would listen to the doctors request, and keep in bed, were she had a lot of time to make Harry some bennies.
Harry slipped on his slippers before he slowly left the bedroom. The trip down the hallway was slow, very slow. He thought about just going back to bed, he really did, but he didn't want to be alone anymore. He needed the company of his son and his husband. He needed to know what the baby doctor said about their unborn child, who was due in four days. He had already missed the last few doctor appointments and he couldn't let himself miss the brith of their son. When Harry reached the steps, going down them was going to be very difficult. He was feeling very ill and feeling he was likely to vomit. He eased to sit down on the top of the stairs. He wasn't sure how long he sat down, evening going back to asleep laying his head on the wall. He only knew he felt the hand on his shoulder, giving him a light shake. "Hum?" Harry mumbled. "Let's get you back to bed." Lucius said. "...let's not." Harry said. "I'll send Draco and James up to you, come on, back to bed." Lucius said and slowly pulled Harry to his feet.


Harry dozed back off before the blanket was even pulled over him, to be woken up by James Siruis, his son, giving him little shakes to wake his daddy up. Harry's eyes slowly opened and he smiled, but had no idea what time it was, or how much more time had past by since coming back into the bedroom, and only seen his boy. Lucius was seen a couple minutes later, when Harry sat up. "Your oncologist recommended you keep home, Harry." Lucius said. "If he's at...the hospital, then somebody needs to take me there, or I'll drive myself." Harry said and Lucius let out a sigh. "You'll be required to wear a mask, then. The likelihood of you getting sick is very problematic." Lucius said. "That is mine to take. You know how badly it will be if I miss the brith of my son?" Harry asked. "Not as bad as you getting an infection you can't fight off. You are already struggling and one little thing happens, you aren't waking up. As much as you won't to try and ignore that possiblity, you can't." Lucius said. "So what? I'm just suppose to say here?" Harry fussed but Lucius let out a sigh. "His diaper bag is on your dresser. I am sorry, but I was told to not let you leave." Lucius said, shutting Harry's door, and the lock heard not a moment later.

Harry looked down at his boy now on his lap. His second birthday was just around the corner. James smiled at his daddy. "I love you too, big boy." Harry said, placing a kiss on the top of his head.
Harry let out a sigh and turned on the television in the bedroom, but settled back down in bed.
Harry would sleep and Lucius was pretty certain he would, so he went to check on James a bit later who thought it was nap time. He was laid asleep on the big bed, his little hand holding tightly to Harry's finger. Lucius smiled lightly and shut the door, leaving them both to rest.


Samantha, Draco's little sister, was with him at the hospital. She'd been with him since he went into labor in the morning hours and now stood beside the hospital bed. Draco held the newborn boy in his arms. He was asleep peacefully. "Did...I make the right choice?" Draco asked softly. "About having your father keep Harry home?" She asked. "Yes." He asked. "Yes, you did. Harry is very weak right now. He will be okay with that decision once he hears it form you. I promise it will be alright." Samantha said. "Thank you...for staying the day with me..." Draco said softly. "Of course! You are still my brother, and I already love my little nephew." She said. "Here, you can held him." Draco said. She slowly took the newborn boy who yawned but settled into her arms. "He really is adorable and Harry is going to love him and yes, you made the correct call by having him stay home. Rest, I think we can get you two home in the morning." Samantha said and Draco took her advice and slowly went to sleep.


Their lives as fathers of two would begin.

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