Part 12

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"He didn't say anything." Narcissa said. "You don't want to hear what he has to say right now." Draco said a little softly, shoving the card into his pocky. "I'm...going to go lay down, Harry. Are you leaving?" Draco asked. "Nah...I don't think I will." Harry said, giving Draco a quick kiss who smiled lightly.

Harry dropped down at the coffee table. "Is this all of it?" Harry asked. "Hardly, sorry. However, Draco says you've been working you can wait till Monday." Lucius said. "How about until Draco's wakes up? I haven't anything to really do really." Harry said. "Is it something you rather do here or come to the office?" Lucius asked. "If I do it hear...I'd need more then 9-5 because I'm sure I'll get distracted." Harry said. "I'm sure you will, but that would be fine. I don't really have a space available for you there and Draco seems to want you close by...enough is going on, I'm sure that's the reason." Lucius said and Harry nodded. "Alright, yeah. I'm sure that would work out better for now." Harry said.

A couple hours past and Draco still didn't return form his nap, so Harry went to check on Draco. Draco was laying awake on the bed. "Hey, I thought you were napping." Harry said softly, climbing in the bed. "I was ... But woke up thinking...Sorry." Draco whispered, a little upset. Harry locked his arms around Draco who nuzzled to his chest, starting to cry. "Shh." Harry said softly. "" He mumbled and Harry shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, love. I wish I did. I'm right here. He's even going to let me work form here, so I'll be close by, okay?" Harry said softly and Draco looked up at Harry. "It...doesn't help my head, or with me...wanting to call her when I know I shouldn't." He whispered and Harry let out a sigh. "I don't know if you shouldn't, Draco. I don't think I would if I were you, but I'm not sure her place in what happened." Harry said and Draco slowly pulled away to sit up. Harry copied his movements and sat beside him on the bed. "Does it matter her place? She still did things...she hurt me in other ways and didn't believe Sammy. So why do I want to talk to her?" Draco said and Harry kissed his cheek. "Because you are a good person, and she is your mother. Even if she isn't biologically your mother. She was the mother you knew. I know it makes it difficult, I can see." Harry said and Draco let out a sigh. "I just don't know what to do, Harry." Draco frowned, but half smiled when Harry started to kiss his neck. "Harry." Draco whispered and Harry chuckled. "Lay down." Harry said and Draco nodded.

Harry climbed between Draco's legs, watching the blush grow on Draco's face before Harry lend down, kissing his neck. Draco locked his hands on Harry's back and Harry chuckled. "Such a good boy." Harry said, giving Draco's ear a bite. "How about taking your clothes off?" Harry said and Draco nodded.

Harry went to sleep after and Draco was awake, and angry. He grabbed his clothes, got dress and made a slow walk downstairs. The house was quiet, at least downstairs, as he turned into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Draco made himself a sandwich and sat down at the table, listening. He heard a light conversation going on, but wasn't sure who. He grabbed his sandwich and went up the stairs. He found himself standing outside of the library of the manor. Peeping inside.
Lucius said in the really patted comfortable looking desk chair, with Narcissa sitting up on the desk. Her feet on his legs. "He doesn't seem to think we should be talking to his father." Narcissa said, getting looked up at by her husband. "Only because he has problems with speaking his mind, no really caring if he hurts somebody's feeling. His a bit cold I guess, but...we have the same goal in mind." Lucius said and she sighed. "I rather you not go looking for trouble, Lucius. What good is it really going to do?" She frowned. "Have you forgotten about the little girl you've been helping take care of her even small girl? She's sixteen with a baby, and the making of that child is wrong in so many ways." Lucius said. "I know that, Lucius...But you also have to rest. I don't want to lose you." She said, before letting out a noise when she was grabbed and pulled off the desk and into his lap. "Your stuck with me." He said and she chuckled but nuzzled to her husband.

Draco eased to sit down on the steps. He didn't want to walk all the way back downstairs, only to finish his sandwich. The top of the stairs would be just fine to finish it. He heard laughing coming form the library a time or two before Narcissa waked out of the library. Looking a little giddy. Draco got to his feet and she turned to see him. "Oh, good. Did you rest well?" She asked, unaware he'd overheard her conversation. "I did, thanks." Draco said, but smiled lightly. He wasn't sure what to say, but Lucius soon step outside of the library, placing a kiss on his wife cheek. "Come. He can keep himself busy I'm sure." Lucius said and she blushed but let her husband pull her way. Draco made his way back to the bedroom they were using and shut the door. Harry was still asleep. Draco just removed his clothes again and slipping under the blankets only to climb up on Harry's hips. Harry yawned, and rubbed his nose. "Hi, daddy." Draco said and Harry opened his eyes. "hello, little boy. Is somebody a needy boy?" Harry asked and Draco nodded.

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