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Draco Potter Stood in the Kitchen of the Malfoy Manor. It was a rainy Tuesday morning and the manor was very quiet.
It was a week day. Lucius Malfoy was at the office. Narcissa Malfoy was still on bed rest, feeling even more run down then before. The unhealthy baby was simply getting weaker and they really had to face reality. They would likely only come home with Two infants, not three. Wendy was finally approved to work again, so she was off at her Job. Samantha and her daughter, Zoe, went with Lucius to the office to do her school work. She was still having a hard time doing it herself, and Lucius would be able to provide her with aid. Harry Potter hardly left the bed, but that was normal. His treatment was very hard on the young man and finally, Draco talked him into taking the feeding tube. Harry hated the little bitty tube up his nose, but his husband has since felt better since then. Harry, dealt with it only because of his husband and he didn't want his sons to loose him.

It left Draco the only one awake, with his sons. Matthew Thomas, who was still a newborn and James Siruis, who just turned two years old today. Draco never got around to being able to plan a party for his Toddler. With Harry being so sick and The brith of their second son, took a lot of his thoughts. So, the celebration of brith of his son James Sirius two years ago, wasn't made. Nobody, of course, blamed the young couple. Harry was in treatment and Draco just had a baby.
However, Draco had to do something for his boy, so he stood at the stove making breakfast. Little James was playing in the living room with some toys, sitting on his bottom, and little Matthew laid sleeping in the cot in the living room. James little giggles made Draco very happy.

Just as Draco went to get James, to put him in the high chair, a knock was heard. Draco walked over to the door, looking through the eye hole. Remus and his wife stood there. The couple bundled up for the freezing weather, as she held their youngest daughter to her chest who was hidden in a blanket. Remus held something, but Draco couldn't see.
Draco unlocked the door and invited the couple in, adding a couple more logs to the fireplace. James hugged little Easter tightly when she was sat on the floor by him. Easter did that baby giggled and soon the pair went off to finish playing as Remus took his wife's coat and his and put the up on the rack of other clothes. "Harry's...in bed, but I'm sure he'd join for a bit." Draco said, slowly walking back into the kitchen, his stomach was still hurting a bit. Tonkens followed Draco into the kitchen, as Remus sat the bags up on the coffee table. "I'll heat up your breakfast, we brought you and the boys some things." She said softly. "That...Wasn't necessary. The boys...are getting spoiled by three grandmothers and two grandfathers...the have plenty. Really, he can wake Harry." Draco said softly. "I know of what Harry told you, dear, but he's trying. Please?" She said and after a pause. "Very well." He said.


Draco settled on the couch, glancing over at the two toddlers play. "I thought Isaiah was also non school aged?" Draco asked, getting a light smile form Mrs. Lupin. "He is, but David and Joseph are watching him. She's not yet potty trained, so I didn't want to leave her with them." She said. "Well, James enjoys her company. Zoe is starting to play, it's been good for him." Draco said. "James says...He still hasn't talked?" Remus asked, finally easing down in the love seat, across from Draco. "Not really. He's started to make sounds, a good thing, but he hasn't formed any real words. His voice has seen came back." Draco said. "Good, good." Remus said, getting joined by his wife. "I know, a party had yet to be planned, but Isaiah has outgrown them and it's another girl, so, it's better then the objects sitting in our Attic for a while." She said. "It really isn't necessary." Draco said. "I'm aware your boys have plenty, Draco, but the objects are just going to be wasted and a conversation with our doctor will have to be done a couple months after the brith." Remus finally said. "I see. James." Draco called for and the toddler got to his feet. He stood there for a moment, and slowly walked over to his daddy. Draco pulled the toddler onto his lap who giggled and waved at the faces he remembered. It caused little Esther to crawl over quickly, upset she been left alone. "Now, you don't go being fussy." Tonken said, picking up the baby girl and settled her on her leg. After James found his binky, Draco slowly grabbed the first bag.

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