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Harry, Draco and little James, who was asleep in his car seat was heading to Remus's manor, were they would stay the weekend. Harry wasn't sure how he felt. He was about to set inside a church after so many years and be around somebody he was certain hated him. No matter what was said, his actions proved otherwise. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Draco asked and he seen Harry shrug his shoulders. "You are just going to stay in the car port, and rest. You have been spotting and I don't want our boy to come before it's time." Harry said. "I could of stayed home." Draco said. "I suggested that, but...He stayed it was fine...he just wants the ... Funny business away form the children. He just...I don't even know. Mum I'd say as talked to him." Harry said. "Still...you just got out of the hospital and already had your chemotherapy this morning. You feel awful and you fear this weekend will be awful, I'm not sure why you agreed." Draco said. "Because his entire congregation raised money for James after his injury, and...it seems to mean a lot to my mom. My parents will be here this evening, Father couldn't get off work." Harry pointed out and draco let out a sigh. "I...suppose so, are you going to the church, or are you just letting your parents take James?" Draco asked. "That...hasn't been decided yet." Harry said softly and Draco nodded lightly.


"My goodness, this place his huge." Draco said, as they pulled into their driveway. "He has 13 children, didn't I tell you?" Harry said, parking his car. "You did, but I still never imaged a place quiet like this." Draco said. "Remus believes in his faith, very much. The children aren't often entertained by the television or other things such like. Homeschooled and of course bible lessons. She tries to keep the children productive with activities and I'm certain they grow their own food? Mostly anyway." Harry said. "Let's just get settled where it is we are supposed to be settled in, I could use a rest, Harry." Draco said softly.


Draco would lay asleep in the bed in the studio apartment of that carport made for visitors and Harry just finished cleaning up his face, after vomiting his insides out it fault like. He wasn't even sure what he throw up, when nothing had been ate in over 24 hours.
The light knock was heard and Harry slowly walked over an opened the door and couldn't help but smiled. Bethany, who was just a little younger then Harry, a good childhood best friend, was standing there with this huge gift basket. "Promise me, cousin, you'll try the oils? They are suppose to help with side effects." She said. "Sure, maybe...We should go outside. The swing is still set up?" Harry asked. "Harry, it's fine. There's things Father doesn't know about Nass either. I...could never see it that way, but I still love you, and him and I'm dying to meet Draco and I haven't seen James in person, he looked so Adorable!" She grind. "Okay...but why about Nass? I thought he was at university?" Harry asked. "Inside." She said and he nodded.


Harry still wanted Draco to sleep, for at least a little longer, but he did wake little James up who sat playing with some toys on the carpet. Bethany sat beside him on the little couch in there. "I haven't really talked to Siruis either, not in some time." Harry said. "I know, he told me after some time. Narcissus got married." She said. "A young marriage wouldn't be a reason for your father not to be told." Bethany said. "Let me see your phone." She asked and Harry pulled his phone out. She sent a text and a couple minutes later, a photo had been sent. She opened it up and Harry slowly grabbed the phone. It was his 21 year old cousin in that awful suite, but some young man Harry never seen before stood in some church clothes, placing the 'marriage' kiss. "Guess I was the ginnie pig." Harry said. "Theu didn't expect him to be such a way, Harry. It's... difficult, I know you know that." She said. "Even so, your father made his thoughts clear, and I am only here because the Church helped us when we really needed it. Your father And I, I doubt will ever be able to really recover. He's biting his own lip off to keep quiet and I know you know this too." Harry said. "He'll talk mum's ear off I'd say and we obviously had some bible lessons as soon as Rachel and I got home, but he promised." Bethany said. "Doesn't mean it is one he will keep. I know what he thinks." Harry said and she let out a sigh. "It's...not easy, but I love you and Nass. I just ignore it. I know that isn't what you are suppose to do, but I know to keep to my own faith." She said. "Dan said you are engaged to marry? Is that so?" Harry asked and she smiled lightly. "It is. Father was a bit fussy, because he wasn't really a church boy, but he's since joined the church and gaine his approval." She smiled. "I hope he does make you happy. I...suppose you can take James with you and introduce him to them." Harry said. "Are you certain?" She asked. "I am."


James wasn't sure what to make of all the attention he was getting by the kids of the Lupin household so, after about a hour, he started to get really fussy and hide his face with his little arms. Mrs. Lupin would shoo the kids and Remus slowly picked the boy up who fussed, but slowly climbed down. "Who exactly, is he currently used to?" She asked. "A few, but not strangers. Mr. And Mrs. Malfoy once was, but not anymore. My understanding is, he could also be achy." Remus said. "Have you even talked to him since he got here?" She asked. "Once the children are in bed for the night, they'll come join us for some tea. I need you to make some oatmeal. Hopefully, he'll eat that tonight. "You know they girls want to see him." He said. "I mean the ones that aren't in university." Remus said and she nodded.


So come a little after nine, they'd Join Remus, his wife, and their two oldest daughters Bethany and Rachel for some tea and some oatmeal. Harry knew the only reason oatmeal was served is because his mum had to of said something about him being unable to eat. She called and informed them they wouldn't be able to leave until the morning hours, James was unable to get the time off like he hoped and it would be far to late by the time they get there. Traveling throughout that manor after midnight, to get to the Attic, would likely waking the young children and that was something nobody wanted to do.
Harry mostly just moved the spoon around in the bowl as a light conversation started before Draco and Rachel, Harry wasn't sure the subject matter. Harry just glanced over at his sleeping toddler, who oddly found comfortable in a ball on the recliner in the corner. It's just where the boy felt comfortable and they'd let him be. "Harry!" Bethany said, again, finally getting Harry's attention. "Hum?" Harry replied, looking at her. "Do you still play?" She asked. "Piano?" Harry asked. "What else would I be talking about?" She asked and Harry rolled his eyes. "I...haven't played in a few years, bethy." Harry said, getting handed a music sheet. "I don't know..." Harry said. "We won't have a Piano player this Sunday." Remus said. "That's convenient. Really...The last time I played was...the last time I went to church with my parents and that's been years." Harry pointed out. "You have played since you were two, Harry. I'm sure it come back to you and the girls really would like to hear you play." Remus said and after a sigh. "...I suppose so." Harry said.


Harry got a little smashed with both of the girls on opposite sides, but he slowly opened up that piano and got a sisterly kiss on the cheek. He smiled lightly, and slowly started to play the old church hem.
Remus standing at the open door, getting handed another cup of tea by his wife. "I had almost forgot, for so long, he played our piano." She said softly. "I'm going to...talk to him later, likely tomorrow, about them coming...at least bi weekly." He said, the sound of the piano keeping their conversation hinted form the four young ones. Draco had eased down in the rocking chair close by. "I know your thoughts, I really do, but how many times have the children fussed because they haven't seen Harry in such a long time and Lily and James can't come over because you fight with them, all the time." She said. "I know, my thoughts about them won't change, but I don't want to loose my family. Just... ignore it, I have to." Remus said, before they both turned the attention back to the music, that Harry soon forgo the music sheet and started playing hums form memories and the two girls picking up on the singing, and once Draco's old Favorite song came on, he went along to, and before they knew it, it was already after eleven.


Remus would send his girls to bed and Draco would ahead back to the studio apartment to get into bed. Harry slowly picked his boy up, who fussed back nuzzled to his daddy who then stood a bit uncomfortable in the living room. "...I'll play this Sunday. Draco's mum is making the commute very early Sunday with Samantha and they...are going to attend that catholic church in town." Harry said. "They don't have to do that, Harry." He said. "I think it would be best. I know he'll draw attention and so will her little girl." Harry said shifting James to his other side. "Really...it's fine." He said. "I'm not about to make things more difficult and Draco's catholic anyway. He'd be more comfortable at another church." Harry pointed out and after a sigh. "Very well, Harry. Walk with me." He said. "He needs to be put to bed. Give me, half an hour or get me early, I don't care which." Harry said. Remus glaced over at the clock on the wall. "I suppose, morning would be better. Try and get some rest, Harry." He said.

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