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Harry grabbed his hand, stopping them both from eating. "You still love her. Don't feel guilty, Love." Harry said. "I can't help it...I also don't know what to think, because I don't. I know she disliked me, since I came out...But she was until I was a teenager on my side. He always...hated me, but at least I know why now...then I look at my parents...who spent years trying to find me...and I'm sure I'm not what they expect or wanted." Draco said, as Harry kissed his hand. "Draco, stop. Your parents, especially your mother, are happy to have you home. Your mother loves James and Little Zoe, she adores them. Your mother understands how much she meant to you, that's why she's paying for the operation and give her someplace to go and be cared for. Your parents are very understanding, you don't have to worry so much." Harry said and Draco let out a sigh. "I'm trying, I am. I wish I could just turn it off, but it isn't so easy." Draco said.

Draco very much enjoyed their dinner and the slow walk home. Spending time with Harry and talking. They had talked about important things and non important things. It was really a perfect evening. Something he wanted to do again. "Do...You think they'd be okay with watching James on Fridays?" Draco asked, getting a kiss. "I'm sure she will love that. I'm taking that to mean, you enjoyed our date." Harry said and Draco smiled. "Yes, I did. I want to do it again, As long as she doesn't mind to watch the James." Draco said, getting pulled close to Harry. "I'm positive your mother will be happy to watch and spend time with James." Harry said. "Three boys, and two girls." Draco said, and Harry chuckled. "You really want to have five pregnancies?" Harry asked, getting a kissed. "Maybe just three. I'm thinking adoption. Give a teenager a home and a special needs child a home. Even if it isn't three boys and two girls. I want to help a couple children that are harder to place, but have at least three of our own biological children." Draco said. "That sounds like a wonderful Idea." Harry said.

Draco and Harry yawned coming through the door about three that morning. Lucius, was waiting up for them. "Oh...I thought I told her not to wait up." Harry said. "You did, but she wanted to be sure you boys made it home safely. She's worried. I'm not sure what that is about." Lucius said, yawning himself. He had dozed off on the couch a few times. Since midnight, but sleeping on the couch wasn't a very good sleep. "She's just that kind of person. Go get ready for bed, love. I'll be there soon." Harry said, placing a light kiss on Draco's lips, before Draco made his way up the stairs.
"Do you think she'll mind watching James on Fridays, at least every other? My parents are wanting to keep him on the weekends...But I don't fell as if-" Harry started. "Harry. You and Draco are living with us. Your parents getting James on the weekends is fair." Lucius said. "Narcissa wouldn't really have to option to spend one on one time with James of that's the case." Harry pointed out. "Go out on a weekday night, then. However, she spends plenty of time with James during the mornings, and you could always have her get him ready for bed a couple times a week." Lucius said. "I'll...think about it." Harry said,. yawning. "Good night."

James came running to Lucius the next morning. It was a little after eight. He was already dressed for the day. He had a white pair of shorts on, a white t-shirt and blue tennis shoes. Lucius smiled and pulled the toddler on his lap, as his employees continued their conversation. They were used to the toddler running to Lucius, to start playing with the watch on his wrist. A different watch as James wore the oversize watch on his own little wrist. He like matching his grandpa. "Sorry, He got away form me." Narcissa said, easing Zoe down in the cot by the love sit in the living room. "It's okay. He normally gets on my lap." Lucius smiled, giving the boy a pat on his head. "Are they all still asleep?" He then asked. "Sam is actually on the phone with a boy, somebody she knew from school, before the baby. Somebody she liked and is aware of the baby." Narcissa said. "She isn't meeting the boy by herself. I rather him just come here." Lucius said, to feel the kiss on his cheek. "Being a good daddy. I'll be sure she knows. Coffee, boys?" Narcissa said and most of them nodded.

Narcissa soon sat down the trey of coffee cups, creamer and sugar before James wiggled off Lucius lap. Narcissa chuckled and picked the boy up before he could grab a cup. "You do not need coffee. How about some apple juice!" Narcissa said, before she took the toddler to the kitchen. "I haven't seen you and your wife so full of life in a long time." Said one of his senior workers.  A man who'd been with the company for nearly 30 years. "Draco, Samantha and the children have brought back many things." Lucius said, before Samantha came down the stairs. "Narcissa?" She called for and disappeared into the kitchen, after Lucius pointed at her.

"So, how did your conversation go?" Narcissa asked, putting James in the high chair. James fussed out, until he was handed a sippy cup. James smiled and started to drink his apple juice. "He...asked me out, I wasn't sure what to say." Samantha whispered and without out thinking. "Your father and/or I would have to chaperone." Narcissa said, before she realized what she said. Before she could opened her mouth, again, she got held onto by the teenage girl.

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