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"Find...out...what is going on...with James, Please." Draco half cried. "I don't want...you by yourself." Harry said. "I...need to know what is...going on...with him." Draco said, to feel a light kiss on his forehead. "Promise me, you will rest. The baby is understand stress." Harry said, before the light knock was heard on the door. "Narcissa called...asked if I would come sit with him, If...that's already." Wendy said. "Please, nobody is telling anybody what is going on with James. I need to know what is going on with my son." Harry said. "Of course." Wendy said.

Harry went off and Wendy eased down in the seat beside the hospital bed. The nurses wanted her to try and get Draco to relax more, the numbers on the baby wasn't doing so well. If Draco would relax, the baby would too. "Do... you remember when you was about six years old? That summer we went to the lake?" Wendy asked. "A...little. I ... Got sick...so...we...snuggled and watched...a movie." He whispered. "I know there's a lot to worry about right now, Draco. The doctors are very worried about the baby. I don't want you to loose you baby, either baby." Wendy said. "I...want this...thing off...my neck." He whispered. "Just rest for a few minutes, take a few deep breaths. I'll find a doctor okay? Just please relax." She said.

About half an hour later, the doctor was able to complete the exam on Draco, and slowly sat his bed up. She was putting some little device on his stomach, that would help monitor the heart beat of the baby. "I'm going to send in our OBGYN, to try and get a clearer ultrasound. The baby seem to be under less stress, but still not at the numbers we would like. Other then your arm and some cuts form close, you are okay. Let's get the baby feeling better now, okay?" She said. "Are you not unable to do an ultrasound?" Wendy asked. "I can, but I rather somebody who specializes in it. I'm just an E.R. doctor. I can get sure the baby is not under stress or is understand stress but somebody who specializes in it would be better. So we can he certain the baby will be okay." She said. "Could...they try and find the gender? The last couple of times the doctor hasn't been able to find out. Somebody's...shy." Draco said. "I'll let her know. I'll have something brought to you to eat as well." She said. "Thanks." Draco said.

"Can ...you call somebody, see if they know what's going on with James?" Draco asked. "Of course." Wendy said. She wondered to the pay phone and called up Harry's cell phone number.

"Hey, Draco's doing better. The baby is slowly starting to do better too, they are going to send a specialist to do an ultrasound to try and get a better read on the baby." Wendy.

"Thank you..." Harry.

"Have you found anything out about James?" Wendy.

"I did...it's not good. He'll be in surgery for a while. I'm coming back there soon." Harry said, but the phone was dropped after a second ir two, Narcissa picked up the phone. "Wendy?"

"Yes. Draco wanted me to call and see if somebody knew what was going on with James." Wendy.

"James is very critical right now. They aren't sure if he'll survived the operation, and if he does? He is in for a long recovery. With him being so young, it's good and bad. He could be physically impaired, the next few hours are going to be just waiting and watching." Narcissa.

"What's his condition?" Wendy.

"Internal decapitation." Narcissa said.

"How...am I suppose to tell Draco that? He'll just want to leave this hospital and go there." Narcissa said.

"Remind him what is best for his unborn child. Remind him, as upsetting as this is, he can't loose both his children to some drunk driver."

"Have somebody drive Harry. I don't want him distracted." Wendy.

"I'm hoping to just keep him here, for now. At least until James is out of the operation room." Narcissa

"I'll be here with Draco. He doesn't at all need to be alone right now." Wendy

"Thank you." Narcissa.

Wendy made the slow walk back to the hospital room. Draco had the tv remote, flipping through the channels on the crappy little Television set in the room. He was already half prepared for the worst news because they sent his son to a different hospital and the doctors wasn't telling anybody but Harry what was going on with his son. That alone was a bad sign. Both of Harry's parents were on James emergency contact at the children's hospital. If they wouldn't go off of that, it was bad, very bad.
Wendy eased back down beside him and Draco turned off the television. "James is very critical, right now. He'll be in surgery for a few more hours." Wendy said. "Its already been a few hours." Draco frowned. "They...have to repair a lot of things in his neck, Draco. He was internally decapitated. They aren't yet sure what will happen. His recovery is also going to be long and difficult." Wendy said. "If...he survives?" Draco frowned. "They aren't going to give up, on the boy, but yes. They aren't sure as of right now if he will survive but-" Wendy said. "I know...but how the hell am I suppose to relax when my son might die?" Draco half cried. "I don't know, but you can't loose both your babies, Draco. Maybe, the doctor can find out the gender? You seem to really want to know." She said. "Just...so we can start getting everything ready...and a name picked out...James was pretty easy, this time, not so much." Draco admitted. "I'm sure the two of you can come up with a wonderful name." Wendy said.

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