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"Thank you." She said softly, but Narcissa locked an arm around her. "Of course, sweetheart. I know it's a confusing time for you and Draco. We love you and are only looking out for you, understood?" She said softly. "Yeah, I know. I thank you." Samantha said softly. "Of course, sweetheart." Narcissa said. "I...don't know about going out to meet him." She said softly. "Then he is welcomed here, Sam. Whenever your ready." Narcissa said. "I'm not sure when that would be, but thank you."

The table was soon filled with, Narcissa, a sleepy Harry and Draco, Sam, James in the high chair, and Lucius. His employees went home, and he joined the table. Little James pushing around his eggs. After eating his toast, he didn't really like the eggs. They tasted funny and felt weird in his mouth. He rather play with them. "James. What is with you and always playing with your eggs?" Draco said, but give James a big kiss on his cheek. James giggled. "He might not like them." Narcissa said. "Well...he has never really ate them." Draco said. "I though it was because he was picky." Harry chuckled. "That could easily be. He might learn to like them later, no doubt. It's not uncommon for toddlers to be picky." Narcissa said. "He isn't picky when it comes to sweets." Draco said. "Now, that isn't true. He won't touch icing. He loves vanilla ice cream. Doesn't seem to like many candy bars." Harry said. "But he does always eat my cupcakes, but does just play more with the icing." Draco said. "The icing is properly to sweat for him." Narcissa said. "You should make some of those cupcake. You used to bake all the time." Samantha is. "Is that your way of telling me, you wanting cupcakes?" Draco chuckled. "Come on, you know you want to bake." Samantha said. "I'll make some cupcakes, Sammy." Draco said.

"Draco James's appointment with the optometrist is this afternoon." Narcissa said to Draco. Draco was sitting on the couch, reading a book. "Alright, I should have all his paperwork, I'll gather it in a moment." Draco said, putting a pause in the book he was reading and got to his feet. "You and Harry could of went back to bed." Narcissa said. "Harry for some paperwork done, and sleeping so soon after I eat isn't such a wise idea." Draco said, and headed up the stairs.
"Hi, big boy!" Draco said, walking into the bedroom. The one that had been homed to Draco when he was a toddler, that was now James bedroom. James looked at him, kind of guilty like and got all wide eyed. Draco raised an eyebrow before he walked over on the other side of the toddler bed. Little Zoe laid on the floor, sucking on the bigger pacifier of James's the one he used sometimes at bed time. "James! How on earth did you get Zoe?" Draco said, but eased down. Zoe seemed fine. Not bumps, she wasn't fussy, and even seemed to like when James laid down next to her. Draco let out a sigh. "Baby boy, you have to be very careful when you have Zoe." Draco said, but picked James up and sat him on his lap. James giggled when Draco picked Zoe up and laid her against James. James hugged the baby. "I love you, both. Let's get you ready to see the doctor to see if you need glasses like pappy." Draco said.

"Where was the baby the last time you saw her?" Draco asked, Narcissa in the car she was driving. "Samantha was about to give her a bath, why?" Narcissa asked. "When I went to get James ready, he was on the other side of the bed. Popped his head around, looking like a guilty little boy. He somehow, got Zoe and brought her to his bedroom. She was fine, and seemed to enjoy the attention, but I don't understand how that happened." Draco said. "I'll have Lucius check on the baby, and Samantha." Narcissa said. "Zoe seemed fine and Samantha just...has asthma, but she seemed fine." Draco said. "Something about the heart condition Wendy has, is it is genetic." Narcissa said and after a pause. "Only...if he was a carrier too, and I thought they both had to be carriers to pass on the condition?" Draco asked. "Wendy's mother had it as well, Draco. I'm not saying she will, it's just a possibility." Narcissa said. "I... suppose I'll have her talk to her doctor then, though, I don't think she'll expect that as an option if she is sick." Doctor said. "I can always talk to her then, if you'd like?" Narcissa said. "She, does...really like you." Draco said softly, before looking back. James was in his carsit, playing with the little toys that hung on the bar and the little mirror at his feet shown Draco he was still okay. "She's a good girl. She's smart, pointed in the right direction, of course." Narcissa said. "She has always been smart, she just listen to much to the wrong people." Draco said, before turning back around in his seat. The seatbelt was uncomfortable. His belly was started to show, the baby growing strong his his belly. "Lower the belt. Even if you are Hardly slowing, it will making riding on a car much easier." Narcissa said. After a pause Draco knocked and fixed the belt. It did, making it a bit more comfortable. "Thanks..." Draco whispered softly. "Where'd you meet Harry?" Narcissa asked and Draco smiled lightly. "At school, actually. We both went to a Catholic secondary school...Harry was so put of place there, but he got a scholarship, a full scholarship because they wanted him for their soccer team. I started watching him by the second year...and by fourth, we were both kicked out, because we refused to at least hide our relationship. His parents paid to for the private school that we graduated from." Draco said.

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