2. left on read

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-yess heather give me more!-
My photographer said, as i was posing for the newest vouge magazine.
P:okay heather take ten
I walked off set and sat in my chair, doing redos of my makeup, and chatting with dakota.
D: hey heath!
H: oh hey dakota, hows the victoria secret contract going?
D: really great!
Dakota is one of the people that were the nicest to me. I know it is kinda unbeilivable, but she is nice if you get to know her
D: hey whats up with you and jackson?
D: i havent seen you alot togheter?
H: yk, all this modeling, my mom randomly hosting friend parties, i have a lot on my plate rn, i hate that i cant see him, but its for the best.
D: yeah but at least text him to make sure hes alright!
H:thats a good idea, thanks dakota
D: np!
I grabbed my phone and texted jackson. He left the cancellation message on read. True gentelman!

Hey, you good?
Seen, 9.03

Wow. Left on read after checking up on him? Harsh.

P:heather! Its your queue!

I put my phone away, and didnt think much of it. When i got home, i was as exuhasted as a camel in the sun.

H:hey court.
I say, as i walk into the kitchen.

C:oh hey heather! Whats up?
H: nothing, just really tired.
C:ohh im sorry! Im making lunch
H:ooh whats on todays menu?
C:mac n cheese
H: again? Its like the 4th time this week
C:its the only thing i can make! Being a lawyer doesnt give time to learn cooking!

Court really cant cook. Last time i craved chocolate chip cookies, fresh out the oven, she almost burned our house to the ground.

H: i really have to get you a cookbook for christmas!
We both giggle
C:haha great idea! Maybe you can learn too
Court giggles and i just hit her arm playfully
H: anyway, i NEED a break, the whole model thing is tiring.
C: understandable, my clients are more annoying than me, can you believe it?
H: court ur not annoying!
C: ik! Its just that theyre super annoying! Always calling
H: to be honest, you were bugging your lawyers too
C: yeah.. i feel sorry for them..
H:yh same. Anywayyy im gonna go to the living room
I throw my shoes across the room under the wardrobe. Im too lazy to put on my slippers so i just walk barefoot.
I plop down on the couch and turn on the tv.
C: you can watch mclean trying to cook!
H: hes boring, id just waste time. Im just gonna play netflix
C: ooh play the rep stadium tour!
H:wanna make a rep concert?
we run to our closets and change into the weirdest outfits, laughing and singing our hearts out to taylor swift.
While the song gorgeous, mr loverboy messages me.

??: hey its Alejandro
Heather: what do you want?
??:just cheking on you señorita
Heather: drop dead.

I put my phone away and continue dancing. Courts voice is amazing and powerful. She just doesnt want to share it.
After the whole tour we both sit on the couch, exuhasted from our tour
C: that was great!
H: yeah!
We laugh and i get up. I take off all the jewelery and i unzip my dress
H: i gotta go to bed! My agent will kill me if i come back on set tired and with eye bags
C: what time is it? How much time did we spend?
H: its 8pm.
C: and youre going to sleep now?
H: yes, i need to get my beauty sleep
C: whatever, have a good sleep Princess!
H: you too señorita
I walk up the stairs, tired from the whole day, i take a peek at my phone and see a messeage

Al: if you wish, then i will
H: please stop. I have a boyfriend
A: who? Jackson?
H:how in the hell-
A: your sister told me
Damn it taylor!
H: that blabberhead!
H: now leave me alone! I gotta get to sleep!
A: goodnight señorita!

i throw my phone on the bed and take off my makeup. I look at my face, looking at how bad it looks.
Maybe i do need a face lift?
Whatever, im too tired to think about that. I gotta sleep.
I throw on my satin pajamas and jump on my king size bed. I check my notifs and text back al.

A: okay señorita
H: youre getting on my nerves.
A: thats my point.

The way he texts back super fast is surprising. Jack could never text back that quick!
I put away my phone, turn off the led lights and drift away to sleep peacfully.

i know you want me.(aleheather❤️🎀)Where stories live. Discover now