Chapter 23

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"It feels nice out here, don't you think Tobio-chan?" Oikawa smiled at the younger.

They were currently at the beach on their very first date. It was now few days after the training camp ended. As Oikawa said, he took his boyfriend on the date. They went to the café and the amusement park. They ended the day with a small walk at the beach.

"Yeah, I like it..." Kageyama swung their holding hands.

"I'm glad then." Oikawa smilled and kissed younger's cheeks making him blush.



"What are you planning to do after graduation?"


"I mean, you're a third year after all." Kageyama scratched the back of his neck.

Oikawa never thought about what will he do after finishing high school. He always knew that he'll for sure be playing volleyball. But still he also wanted to go to a university. Before getting together with Tobio, he wanted to aply in Tokyo. But now he didn't want to be that far away from his lover. It may be sounding naive, but he wants to have a future with Kageyama. He couldn't even think, he could live without him. He just feels like he found his soulmate for life. We don't talk about middle school, where Oikawa was acting childish or his crush on Iwaizumi. We only talk about now. The present when he's in a relationship with Tobio.

"You're overthinking again." his thoughts got stopped.

"Huh?" Oikawa looked at the ocean eyes that were warmly staring at him.

"Whatever you'll decide to do, I'll support you. I'm sure you'll be pursuing your volleyball career. I would want that too." the younger smilled at him.

"Tobio-chan." he squeezed their hand tightly.

"And don't worry. I'll catch up. I'll beat you one day." the raven proudly grinned.

Oikawa chuckled. He carressed younger's cheeks. "You had already beat me." he whispered.

Kageyama's eyes widened. The older just continued staring at his partner.

"Ha...." Tooru sighed and hugged younger. "It should be illegal looking this beautiful.

"W-what do you mean?"

"Exactly how it sounds like. You're beautiful." he murmured with a small smile.

"You can't just say that without any warning!" Kageyama pushed older away. His face was red and he was avoiding any eyes contact with Oikawa.

Oikawa still hugged him again. "Then next time I'll warn you." he said. They were just standing there and hugging. 

"Can I kiss you Tobio-chan?" the older suddently asked.

Kageyama instanly looked at brunette's face just to see him slightly blushing and staring on  the ground.


Oikawa finally looked up and saw his boyfriend smiling at him. His heart was beating fast while he was slowly closing the distance between their lips. And then their lips touched. After so long thay finally kissed. They were moving in sync, enjoying this magical moment, that none of them would ever forget.

After a while they pulled out due to lack of air. They rested their foreheads on each other.

"I think my heart will explode." Oikawa whispered.

"Shut up.."

"I like you so much, Tobio-chan." he smilled.

"Me too." Kageyama looked shyly away. "Oh, look Tooru-san. The sun is setting." he pointed excitedly at the view.

Oikawa looked at the direction and smilled. "This is so cliché. Almost like in some movie."

"Whatever." the younger playfully rolled his eyes.

"Still. This is a beautifull memory, that I will never forget." he intertwined their fingers.

"Same. Let's make more memories to cherish, 'kay?" Tobio smilled.

"Yeah... let's do this."


The date was over and they went home. Oikawa stayed at Tobio's. They were sitting on the bed chatting and getting ready to sleep, when younger's phone rang.

"So you finally kissed?" Kunimi said as soon as Kageyama pick up the phonecall.

"Why is this the first thing you ask?!" he blushed.

Oikawa was confused and tried to find out what's going on, by waving his hands in front of his lover. Kageyama blushed more and pushed Oikawa out of the bed.

"So? Did you kiss?" Kunimi asked again.


"That means yes?"

"...yeah." Kageyama covered his face with a pillow.

"That hurts." Oikawa whispered while getting back on the bed.

"Hahahaha! I knew it! Did you heard that Suna-san?"

"Suna-san?! Why is Suna-san with you?!" Kageyama shouted at the phone.

"Huh?" Oikawa was even more confused.

"We're playing computer games together. I'm on a call with him."


"Hey yo Kageyama. Good job on finally having your first kiss dude." he heard Suna from afar.

"I'm hanging up." Kageyama blushed again.

"Oiii! Wait I have more questions-" Kunimi was cut off by the call ending.

"What was that about?" Oikawa hugged younger's back.


"Hm?" the older looked at raven's red ears knowing he was blushing. "Whatever. Let's go to sleep." he layed down pulling younger with him.

He made sure his lover was confortable and covered themselfs with a blanket.

"Good nighty princess."

"D-don't call me that."

"No can do princess."

Kageyama just sighed and hugged older. "Goodnight." he murmured into older's chesk.

Oikawa smilled widely and happily hugged smalled back. "Night baby!"

"Will you quit with those nicknames?"



"Sweet dreams." he kissed youngers forehead.

"..." the younger didn't really answer since his eyes were getting heavy and was slowly falling asleep.

"I love you." Oikawa whispered again before he fell asleep himself.

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