Chapter 15

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The team was on the way to Tokyo. It was 4 a.m and everyone were tired so they were sleeping most of the ride. Oikawa didn't really slept during night. He went to get ice cream with Tobio after practice and stayed with him the whole night just talking to him. He got home pretty late and before he knew it he had to leave. He sat in the bus next to Yahaba and instanly fell asleep.

After some time the Aoba Johsai's bus arrived at Fukurodani Academy. The players were slowly waking up and started to get off the bus. They were greeted by Nekoma and Fukurodani. Oikawa barely step his feet ont he fround when he was pulled in the big bro hug by Bokuto and Kuroo.

"Oikawa I missed you!" Bokuto yelled with fake tears.

"Y-yeah me too but you're suffocating me."

"Oh sorry Kawa." Kuroo grinned and pulled away.

"Are the other teams also here?" Oikawa asked.

"Just Nekoma, Shinzen, Ubugawa and of course Fukurodani." Kuroo answered. "You guys are here first from Miyagi prefecture."

"Oh, okay then. Anything interesting happend that I don't know about?" Oikawa asked smiling.

"Nah, not really. Just Akaashi and Kenma who started dating." Kuroo shrugged.

Oikawa's eyes widened. "Whoa whoa! Wait a minute! Really? And they didn't tell me?"

Kuroo just shrugged again and Bokuto grinned: "Then go congratulate them!" he said and pointed at the two second years setters in the corner resting.

"Maybe later. I'm waiting for someone."


"Tobio-kun of course." Hanamaki said behind Oikawa smugly.

"Shut up!"

"Who again?" Bokuto asked confused.

"Tobio Kageyama." Matsukawa joined.

"Ooooooohh! Kageyama hm?" Kuroo smirked.

"Little blueberry! The cute one when he's smiling!" Bokuto exclaimed. Kuroo nodded.

"You two control yourself. Or I'll call Konoha and Yaku on you." Oikawa puffed his cheeks angrily.

"Okay okay. I'm not gonna steal your man dude. I'm into shorties." Kuroo raised his hands in defense.

"He's not my man! And I'm telling Yaku."

"Yet." Makki smirked.

"Shut it or I'll make you do 20 more laps."

"Yessir!" Makki laughed. Oikawa just rolled his eyes.

In that moment two more buses arrived at the parking lot. It was Shiratorizawa and Inarizaki. And after that one by one were arriving. Well except for Karasuno. They were almost an hour late that they supposed to be.

"Where are they?" coach Nekomata murmured to himself.

After another ten minutes the Karasuno's bus finally arrived. But before the players could greet them Hinata ran off and started puking in the nearby tree. Tanaka and Nishinoya ran away to the bathroom without their clothes and the other second years followed them. Asahi was standing there souless and Sugawara was smiling brightly to hide his pain. Daichi on the other hand was squishing an anti-stress ball to calm himself down. Tsukishima just sat down on the ground next to the bus with headphones on and Yamagucchi was panicking but didn't want to do anything. Kageyama just fell asleep again on Yachi's shoulder who was nervously tapping her feet. Kiyoko was trying to come up with something and Takeru just gave up and went to get a drink. Ukai was angrily shouting at Hinata and at Nishinoya and Tanaka to come back.

"What happened?" Nekomata asked.

"Hinata here started puking during ride. We had to stop 8 times so he can calm his stomach down. Apparently he ate some ramen before leaving. He even puked all over Nishinoya and Tanaka." Ukai sighed stressed.

"Ehm... well luckyli we don't plan to practice today since I want the boys to hang out before working. You can tell them to rest." Nekomata laughed.

"Thanks old man."

"Yeah anytime."

"Tobio-chan!" Oikawa ran to hug his kohai who was still sleeping.

"Oh hey Oikawa-san." Yachi waved.

"I'll take him now. You go sit down." Oikawa smilled at her. She nodded and went to find Kiyoko.

Oikawa lift him up and walk over a bench so he can sat him down there.

"Wow such a gentleman." Hanamaki snickere but was met with Oikawa deatly stare.

"Be quiet. He's sleeping." 

"So cute." Matsun said before taking some photos of Kageyama sleeping on Oikawa's lap.

"Ehm excuse me?" someone said. They all turned to the person who spoke. It was Goshiki. "Ehm.... I'm sorry to bother but does Kageyama-kun happens to know where are Shoyo's things?"


"I-I'm s-sorry but I just wanted to help him and I was scared to ask any other Karasuno's players since they are not in their best state. I didn't know Kageyama-kun is sleeping." he nervously bowed.

"Oh no, it's fine I'll wake him up. He was sleeping enough." Oikawa said and shook Tobio's body a little. The raven yawned and looked up to see five people infront of him. 

"Oh Goshiki-kun, what's up?"

"Hi Kageyama-kun, sorry to interupt your sleeping. Do you know where is Shoyo's bag?"

"No worries, it's all right. Well it's in the bus. I don't really know where but it's red and white bag." Kageyama said.

"Thanks!" and with that Goshiki ran off.

"Why was he asking for that?" Kuroo questioned.

"And even calling him by his first name?" Oikawa joined.

"Those two have a crush on each other. Goshiki-kun wanted to just take care off him since that boke is non-stop puking."

"I see.."

"Where are Kozume-san and Akaashi-san?" the youngest asked.

"Uhhh.. well they are sitting there." Bokuto pointed to the corner.

"Thank you Bokuto-san!" and Kageyama sprinted toward them leaving the third years confused.

"Why-?" Makki started.

"I don't even know." Kuroo stated.

They watched Kageyama to talk to the two setters with sparkles in his eyes. Kenma blushed while Akaashi just pulled him closed and hugged his waist. Kageyama was still bragging about someting before the two second years nodded and Tobio happily skipped back to the third years.

"What was that about?" Oikawa asked when he sat down next to him.

"Oh I just-" he stopped. "Akira!" and he ran off again making Oikawa sigh. He watch his kohai hug Kunimi exitedly before walking away with him.


"Huh?!" Oikawa looked at Makki and Matsun who were smirking at him.


"You sure?"




"Are you really su-"

"YES DAMNIT!" Oikawa blushed.

"Okay then." Hanamaki looked at him smugly before walking away to get water and dragged Matsukawa with him.

"..." it was quiet between three captains.

"Soooo... honestly are you really jealous?"


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