[9] CASE: Revealing secrets

Start from the beginning

"Well, one obnoxious lady called Chief that you ignored her case and so that's why she is turning to him. It's about some robbery... I still think her irresponsibility is not our problem like what's lost is lost and she got her lesson." She must have really annoyed him.

"I think I know who you are talking about..."

"Great, so reason it with her, arrest the culprit so she doesn't bother any of us anymore as if we didn't have enough work."

"I don't think I can do that..."

"Why not? You are used to harder cases, this is simple." I bowed my head and he smiled.

"Oh... so that's how you met him. I get it. However, she won't let it be, Akk. Either you have to pay for her loss or put your crush into custody for now. She won't be satisfied if you just avoid her case." He was god-damn right. I was too naive to think that they'll just let it be, forget and let Ayan live...

"He asked me... to erase his cases."

"You can't do that, Akk! If someone from the department found out, you'd be in big trouble for helping him and losing important documents." Fuck.

"I don't think he would have a problem with going to prison but his family would suffer without him! He just... can't leave them."

"So what do you want to do? Arrest him and then bail him?" Oh, this wouldn't be so bad if I were a multimillionaire...

He saw how indecisive I was and stood up.

"Well, make up your mind, I'll tell Chief to not bother with it that you are close to solving this case but think quickly, Akk, you are unlucky that the lady is able to report you." I nodded and said goodbye to him.

I looked again at Ayan's case and thought what could help him. That he didn't steal it for himself? That he didn't use weapons and didn't harm the robbed ones? That the victims weren't careful enough? A lot of things would help him for sure but he'd still spend at least two years in the prison. If I didn't have other choice... I'd at least make sure to take care of his family and advice him what to do to be released sooner... maybe Ayan was right, the law should change in some cases.

One hour later Ayan already returned even with the guy!

"Mission was successful, I've got him." He smiled while the guy was frowning at him.

"H-how did you find him?"

"Oh, it wasn't hard, he is a homeless man so asking people around the place where it happened and looking to places where homeless people stay at was enough." I gulped. With him in our team we could really solve more cases but I still needed to make sure he was the culprit.

"Sir, what's your name?"

"As if I told ya." He spit at my shoes.

"Oi, are you trying to harm the public official?" Ayan was really strong as he was holding him.

"Where is the purse?" Ayan bowed down.

"He threw it away when he got the credit card, he tried to pay with it but it was declined. The cashier recognized him and helped me as well. And with the ring... he swallowed it so no one would steal it from him, can you understand?!"

"Then I'm sorry, sir, but you'll have to stay here overnight."

"Boss, seriously, that's the best thing you could say to him. I'm sure he did it to get here."

"Whatever, I'll take him to his cell and if everything he stole returns to the right hands, he'll be in custody doing community services for one year as well."

LOVE against the LAW || AkkAyan || FirstKhaotung fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now