
Start from the beginning

Zayn felt himself falling deeper in love. He nodded and took Liam's hand when he offered it.

"Are you hungry?" Liam asked as Zayn towered over him.

"No, but l am feeling better. Thank you."

Liam beamed brightly when Zayn crouched and kissed his forehead.

Zayn finally left his father's office and shut the door, but didn't lock it. He had no reason to conceal all the pain, not now that he had been through the worst of it.

As they wandered the halls, Liam told Zayn about what he had been up to. After lunch, Liam helped Baela pull off almost a corridor's worth of wallpaper, then he went with Niall to his bedroom and played on his game console until dinner was ready.

Zayn's heart twitched with jealousy. He worked hard on keeping it to himself.

"What do you want to do tonight?" he asked, eyeing the cut on Liam's head that was healing well.

The scratches across Zayn's face were still a bit itchy, but only the one on his nose looked like it would leave a thin scar.

"I don't mind." Liam swung the book in his hand.

Zayn knew he missed the library. "I have an idea."

He quickly changed directions and guided Liam to the games room. Zayn gathered blankets and cushions and set up a seating area for himself and Liam.

Stepping outside took their breath away. Even Zayn stopped to stare at the magnificent sunset. The entire sky was a display of bright colours. On the horizon, the lonely sun radiated a deep red that faded to a fierce orange. Pink clouds hung in the indigo sky, and Liam was reminded of summer, until a soft breeze tickled his skin.

Zayn was quick to cover the stone floor in cushions.

He sat Liam down and wrapped two blankets around his shoulders. Zayn sat next to him, sharing the blankets too. They stared in silence at the sunset as the colours faded and stars stared down instead.

Liam rested into Zayn's side. He thought about how Zayn was like stars on a clear night; the more he looked, the more stars he could see.

Distant stars were Zayn's kindness, sprinkled around a black sky, subtle and hard to find, waiting to be seen by attentive eyes.

The rest of Zayn was like the moon, mysterious, with a side to him nobody ever saw.

Zayn unclasped the book about the history of
werewolves and gave it to Liam. His father's name was written on the front page. Zayn looked towards the woods to count the trees when he felt his sorrow festering in his chest.

Liam quickly turned to the first page. The book sucked him in immediately when the first chapter talked about how werewolves had their own different branch of evolution, until humans discovered them and a lifetime if wars began.

He read aloud for what felt like hours, asking Zayn questions, discussing how they could possibly keep their existence a secret, and marvelling on the fact that Liam was a part of their world when the human world continued their lives around them, completely oblivious.

"Is there anything else out there?" Liam asked. "Like vampires?"

Zayn shrugged. "If there are, then they're not known to us."

Liam's head exploded with all the possibilities. "I don't know why fate chose me to be your mate, but I'm glad it did!"

"I think I know why." Zayn said as Liam connected his gaze. "You're fucking adorable and I can't handle it."

Liam's eyes moved to his mouth as Zayn closed the gap between them, kissing him in the moonlight.

Liam wrapped arms around his torso, falling deep into the kiss almost instantly.

One kiss sparked more, feeding their addiction to one another.

Zayn wanted to shower his mate in deep passionate kisses, but he was mildly aware of pack members playing games and watching TV in the games room next to them.

He pulled back when the kissing was making him hot. Liam's pupils were large when he next looked into his eyes. They both felt rising affection.

Hugging wasn't enough, neither was a simple kiss.

Silently, the boys collected the cushions and blankets. They put the cushions back on the couch and folded the blankets over the chair. Zayn then held Liam's hand. His skin felt exciting against his own.

They weaved through the wolves and hurried all the way to the bedroom. Zayn locked the door behind them, and slowly turned to Liam with hungry eyes. Liam gasped as Zayn lunged forwards and grabbed him. Liam was lifted off his feet and plopped on top of the duvet.

He laughed as Zayn climbed on top of him. Zayn's lips curled cheekily; his eyes darkened playfully. His black hair with his grey streak tickled Liam's forehead as Zayn stared over him.

Liam's hands smoothed up Zayn's muscular arms, over his round shoulders, and down his back as their lips skimmed, trying to tempt each other.

Zayn then lowered himself on top of Liam and kissed him roughly. Liam's legs wrapped around him as Zayn's hands explored his body. Liam was willing for Zayn to touch him and guided his hands to a place that made Zayn lift his head.

"Is that okay?" Zayn asked, staring intensely.

"Yes." Liam tugged on his shoulders, eager for more.

Their lips clashed again, the heat rose between them, and their hearts thumped with pleasure. Zayn sat suddenly and pulled his tshirt off because Liam kept slotting hands under the material. He then tugged suggestively at Liam's hoodie and then his tshirt underneath. His mate lifted his arms, and Zayn removed them in one rapid motion. He eyed Liam's bare chest, running hands over it, just to see Liam's eyes shine with affection.

Zayn had knees on either side of him, trapping Liam to the bed. He wanted Liam more than he had ever wanted anything. If tonight was the night he could have him, Zayn wanted to take his time, to savour each touch and each feeling.

Most of all, Zayn wanted to make sure Liam felt loved and safe.

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