Ch38 Troubles, troubles

Start from the beginning

In the end of the day, the group reached the borders of Clover town, Laxus could swear his motion sickness lightened at the presence of Kaya in the train. Was it her powers? Or something else? The group walked almost peacefully in the forest, although the three minions of Laxus loved to annoy each other. Kaya laughed at their antics, and Laxus appreciated the joy she harbored on her face, he would like to see it all the time.

When the mages landed on Clover, night already fell on Clover, so Kaya proposed to everyone to rent two bedrooms in a hotel. She was sure they could get some rest before chasing the thief that pervaded Clover town. Strangely, she carried one bag near her hips through all their travels. She wouldn't mention what it was. But Laxus' ears perceive the slight noise of glasses rubbing into each other. What is it?

Their comrade also had a classic bag of clothes for the journey. Evergreen swore to the group when she fell asleep in the train, that she would peek at the inside of the bag, when she could. Soon after ordering food, they all went to bed.

Kaya surveyed Ever, waiting for the fairy-queen to fall asleep. When she finally did, the light-mage put on a new outfit and a cape, quietly leaving the hotel in the middle of the night. Thanks to her time in Crime sorciere, she knew all the underground places of Fiore like the back of her hand.

She knew she had to hasten up, the guys will be likely to find her gone in her room. She sighed. They would never have agreed to such a reckless plan. But, she knew where her burglar was likely to be hiding. And that was a tavern hidden in the deep woods, surrounding Clover.

Seeking for her magic, she made the symbol of a dark guild appear on her hand and change the color of her hair, when she knocked on a door encarved in a tree. "I'm here for a cherry coke." she informed the man behind, opening the door.

That world, though it was near the opened town, was completely upside down, rules were codified and the words I pronounced meant an underlying message. You can't be here without a good reason, or a "good" background.

Handing the coat to the waiter, the woman showed curves under a light outfit. She wore a low-cut top with a tight skirt, displaying her forms to the men present in the tavern. She memorized the face of the man she must capture. It was lucky Laxus wasn't here, he would scold her a lot for showing that much skin.

Scanning the place, she spotted the man in the corner of the room, enjoying the dance of courtesans. Perfect. She paced sensually to the bar, ordering a drink, then, she took her time to slowly approach the thief, making herself look drunk and frail.

"Hello sweety..." he cooed, witnessing her presence near the man, she chuckled innocently, acting totally candid.

"Hello handsome!" she faked a silly smile on her face, slightly posing her hips on his lap. "Do you lack company tonight?" she asked pouting a little, as if she was a real employee here. She silently thought of Meredy and Ultear advice, they were her real mentors in that field after all.

"Oh don't worry, now that you're here, I'm completely fine." he responded, looking around the room, he approached his mouth closer to her ears. "Why don't we leave to somewhere more private," he suggested.

Kaya internally jolted, when she physically just faked thinking through the options, it was a matter of not looking too suspicious. "I think it is alright, handsome..."

The light-mage waited for the both of them to be outside, hidden behind trees. The man had only one idea in mind, her hand carefully lifted a flask out of her pocket, removing the lid of it, all at once she approached the liquid near his nose. The man stood there dumbfounded, murmuring "What are you... do... ing....?" he slowly drifted into unconsciousness. Smiling, Kaya watched the criminal fall on the ground.

"Sleep tight." her voice sounded more firm. She bent over him, handcuffing him with magic-blockers.

When the angelic-mage stood up from the man, she undid the illusions around her appearance. "All done." she shuffled with pride.

"What was that!?" grunted a worried and strong voice behind her. She lifted up her vision and witnessed the Thunder Tribe, too awake as they weren't supposed to be.

"Shoot." she squirmed in a low voice.

" she squirmed in a low voice

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So hello guys, I hope Christmas went well with your families. I personally love the vibes of Christmas, although I am not fond of Christmas family reunions. 

So to cope with the stress of family gathering, I write. And I write a lot under pressure. That means today, instead of one chapter, there is two. I had to much fun writing them. I hope you will have fun reading them. 

Thank you for reading the Hidden light 

The Hidden light (Fairy tail x OC )Where stories live. Discover now