Chapter Thirty-eight: The Truth.

Start from the beginning

What have I done???

I don't know what to say right now.

"I believe I owe you and Jace an apology. I'm really sorry for everything that happened that night." Alexa apologizes.

Is it just me or am I dreaming?

Alexa Reed is apologizing to me?

The same Alexa I've heard a not-so-pleasing story about?

Nice one.....

"It's fine." I say.

"I know it isn't. You know......I feel worse about Jace 'cause it's like I've stripped him of his happiness. Do you know what he said to me that night?" Alexa asks.

"What?" I ask.

"He said something like, "Congrats on your successful mission to ruin my life....again, Alexa. I wonder how many more similar missions you have in mind. Hope you've found your happiness....". He was right about me ruining his life.....first, I use and dump him and second, I make his new girlfriend think he is cheating on her with me. I'm sure Jace told you how my relationship with him was." Alexa says.

"He did. He told me how you used him to gain back your popularity. Was it really worth it?" I ask.

"To me then, it was. I was one girl obsessed with being know, all those high school dumb stuff. It felt good to be noticed by everyone....I love being noticed that's why I did everything I could to get back to that position after I was dumped by the person that got me that position. I didn't care if I was gonna hurt someone's feelings, all I cared was to not remain an object of mockery to so many people.....those I bullied, those I talked down on for being themselves and not living a fake life like myself. I needed to date a hot and rich guy to be that popular girl again and Jace was the perfect catch. He's hot....hotter than my ex as at that time and he's rich but doesn't like to show off. I didn't know Jace was gonna be so serious about the whole thing." Alexa says.

"What did you expect from a guy who has had a crush on you for like two years or even more?" I ask.

"That's right. Jace was really sweet to me. He cared for me the way no one has ever.....except my family. He did everything I asked him a dummy. Whenever I was ready to dismiss him, I'd think of the things he does for me and I wouldn't know how to just dump him like he was nothing. I hoped for a perfect opportunity to do so and it presented itself. I told him the truth behind our relationship and dumped him.....just like that." Alexa says.

"How easy was it to abandon someone who'd do anything for you?" I ask.

"My heartlessness made it easy but then I regretted later." Alexa says.

"Heartlessness indeed." I say.

"Mia......Jace is a loyal lover who'd never cheat on the person he loves. I don't know if he has changed now but the Jace I knew or rather I thought I knew would never.....ever do anything to hurt someone's feelings. One of the biggest mistakes I've ever made was treating Jace Harris like crap. It was after I dumped him that I realized I threw away a perfect person in my life. If I had appreciated the things he's done for me and returned his affections, I may be the happiest girlfriend in the world but I threw it all away and I feel so horrible right now." Alexa says.

"Well, you deserve to feel that way. You should imagine how Jace felt about everything too." I say.

"Yeah. I'm really sorry, Mia." Alexa says.

"It's okay. I think you should be apologizing to Jace not me." I say.

"I don't know if he's ever gonna forgive me but I'll do what I can." Alexa says.

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