His Bodyguard

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Dabi's POV

"Take care now" said Lisa, one of the nurses who took care of me here.

"Uh huh" I responded walking towards the exit, walking at her still facing the exit.

Finally, I get to leave this place, once and for all. I walk out to see Hawks standing outside his car leaning on it wearing sunglasses. What in the world is he doing.

I walk over to him and as he sees me he takes off the sunglasses and smiles at me. I felt something in y turn, what in the world Dabi. Now's not the time....your acting as if your in love.

"I'm so glad your better now" Hawks as as he hugs me, he's been coming to see me almost every hour. We have gotten closer now.

"Let's get going" he says as he opens the passenger seat door, "What in the world are you doing" I ask as he closes the door and sits down in the driver seat. It's not like I'm not used to his side of him but still.

"I was simply opening the door for you" he says as he looks me in the eyes before smiling and grabbing my hand and kissing it. "My princess"

I can't help but find this side of him cute, he's being so extra and its fun, but that smile...

"Well thank you then my dear prince in shining armor" I say as I take my hand back. "Wouldn't you be the princess since I'm your bodyguard sir?"

"Hard to say and drop the sir" he says as he starts the car and we drive away.

"Whatever you say sir" I respond as I smile looking at him driving.

Keigo continues to drive as I stare out the window. This was weird. I mean no one has ever made me feel like whatever this was. Well its just a little flutter, agh, Dabi what in the world is wrong with you. It's whatever, its just nice to be around him again.

Yup, totally.

We arrive to Keigo's office and he shows me around, before he goes to his desk and starts working. I run errands like bringing him coffee or sorting paperwork, nothing to big just help out here and there, where I can.

Soon, we head to his place since I'm supposed to be with him 24/7 so yup I'm living with him.

We reach his house or well mansion, the front gate opens revealing a stunning 2 story mansion, we drive past the garden full of different kinds of flowers reach the house, its complexion painted white with 2 pillars by the front door.


Good thing this is working out well, now all I need todo is wait, wait for Dabi to be...mine. Mine completely. He's taking with me, in my house, he's with me, and me alone.

"So what do you think?" I ask as I stop at the front gate as my chauffeur comes up to the car.

"Its nice, a bit fancy though. It fits you"

"Haha, lets go inside, I'll give you a nice tour of the whole place."

"That would be helpful, knowing your place well...obviously to protect you. I am your body guard."

"Ok then" I say as I open the car door getting out as Dabi does the same and looks around.

He looks so cute right now, like a kid exploring new places, I think he likes this place, it is a bit big though.

My chauffeur gets in the car and drives it to the garage as Dabi and I walk in. The staff greets me and the butler introduces himself to Dabi. All the staff work under 'Hawks.' They know Dabi is mine and that they shouldn't mess with him, because I hate it when people touch something that is mine. Especially Dabi.

We walk in and I show him around to all the different rooms and subtly flirt with him here and there, though, he didn't even notice.

"And this is your room, right next to mine" I say as I open the door, the room fits his vibe, I researched and double checked everything, his Spotify playlist, his liked videos, his liked posts, his purchases, his recent interests, etc.

"It's actually amazing" he says as he falls onto his bed, "this is kinda like, everything I wanted."

"I'm glad you like it, it took me a long time to come up with this stuff now lets go have dinner, I remember you telling me you liked spaghetti" I say changing the topic hoping he wouldn't think to much about me looking into his interests and just think its sweet without questioning it deeper.

I smile as he gets up saying, "Alright" and we walk to have dinner together. We both sit down and start eating.

"Spaghetti has been my favorite ever since I was young." He says as he looks down at his plate playing with the noodles with eyes full of reminiscence.

I know that my dear~

"Really, that's cool. I hope my spaghetti is to your liking then" I say as I lean on my hand and watch him eat.

"Its tasty" he says with his full focus on the food, "Hospital food sucks, other than you bringing something to eat occasionally, I get the shity food they serve"

I chuckle a bit as he eats. We continue talking and eating, after we're done, I show him my room, and say, "You know, don't you think it would be better if-" I was unable to finish my sentence since I was cut of by Dabi's phone ringing. It was Shoto.

"I'm going to answer this" he says as he stands up walking to his room. Stupid Shoto, I wanted to spend more time with him. My dear dabi.


I take the call secretly thanking him for calling me, I don't know what was going on but my heart was beating a bit. It was feeling...alive. For some reason it felt weird.

Whatever it was, i ignore it and take the call.

[time skip]

I lay on my new bed in my new temporary room, thinking, it would be nice if I lived here, I'm only staying here a for a while, nothing more. And Keigo for some reason, I feel a spark. No a connection with that man. I don't even know what it is or was. It's like I know him from somewhere.

But where?

Into His Hand (hero Dabi x villain Hawks)Where stories live. Discover now