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'Wait what Now?! DEAR LIKE DEAR, well not in like the animal dear, obviously but like in the dear dear, like that dear and like-' Deku's thoughts were interrupted by Dabi.

"What do you mean dear?!" he says pushing Keigo away.

"Oppseies did I say dear? Oh well..." he responds dragging out the L's in well.

"Huh" Deku says unintentionally, "What does that even mean?" Deku says confused.

"Whatever" Dabi responds walking up the the register, "Can I place an order please?" He says ignoring the incident to get the task at hand done first.

"No need for that Dabi." Keigo responds as he walks right next to Dabi, they both make eye contact for a minute as Keigo smiles, Dabi gets out of his daze as he shakes his head and finally says, "What does that mean?"

"It means I've already placed the order. What do you think I was doing on my phone?" Keigo responds

"I was driving you idoit. Why would I pay any attention to you while I am driving?" Dabi asks, 'You had my attention but I couldn't see your phone through that one way screen protector.' He thought to himself as he steps aside to let Keigo place his order.

They all later went back to the agency with Hawks having to sit in the back with Deku holding the pizzas, while Dabi drives.

"Do you think Endeavor will mind that his car smells like pizza?" Deku asks, also where did Todoroki go?'

"The old man? I mean I'll just spray some air freshener in here. If I could find it," he says digging through Eandevors car.

"Damn it, the old man doesn't have any perfume or air freshener in here." Dabi says a little frustrated.

"Don't worry I got some of my perfume on hand. The car will smell like me, he did give me a ride today so it won't be suspicious." Keigo says getting out some perfume, a mix of sandalwood, amber, and other ingredients.

"I can smell the Sandelwood" says Deku, "This scent suits you"

"Thanks kid"  he responds looking through the rear view mirror trying to see Dabi's face.

"Can I help you?" Dabi responds as they make eye contact through the mirror, both their eyes lock in contact as they stare at each other, gazing into their eyes.

"I don't know, can you help me become bff's with my favorite pro hero?" Keigo responds jokingly, batting his eyes.

Dabi rolls his eyes as he focuses on the road.

Dabi POV

'This dude, why the heck am I even thinking about him, anyways Dabi, focus on the road. Don't crash this thing.'

"OH NO" deku screams, "I FORGOT ABOUT THE ASSIGNMENT DUE AT 6pm TODAY" he says in his almost squeaky voice, "No worries kid. I'll drop you off and even help you with it later" I respond trying to calm down the panicking kid in the back.

"Really!? You mean it 🥹" he asks as he grabs onto the back of my seat, letting go of the pizzas almost making them fall, but fortunately Keigo grabs them as Deku apologizes prefusely.

We soon reach the agency as we all carry the pizzas inside and arrive, "We're back!!!!" Keigo says with excitement, to much energy, way to much. 'Who the hell cares anyway? We just brought back some food, nothing special.'

'This guy is so carefree even though he has big responsibilities, ha. That's kind of nice, I mean, if you think about it, he's the leader of a famous company you would expect him to be a little more dignified yet here he is. A completely utterly carefree guy. If he didn't give me that weird feeling about him, I would've liked to be friends with him' I thought to myself completely ignoring the conversations that were happening around me.

I quietly slide Endeavors car keys back into his pocket as I hand him a slice of pizza and give him a pat on the back. 'Don't notice old man, I don't need to hear a lecture right now' I really did hope he wasn't going to notice the missing keys, or well hoped he didn't notice before and now.

I sat in my original seat staring at the grayish tiled ceiling, almost bothering to count the black dots in it. I completely blanked out on everything as I stared into space, thinking about absolutely nothing, completely ignoring everyone who's talking.

"Alright it's decided" The old man says as he pats me on the back, bringing me back to the conversation.

Into His Hand (hero Dabi x villain Hawks)Where stories live. Discover now