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"Uh, ok" replies Deku closing his light blue colored notebook, as he stood up. Dabi shouted, " Shoto, we're going out, see ya later"

"Ok, see you later, and don't forget about dinner at home tonight and be careful" Shoto responds as he waves goodbye, Dabi smiles and waves backs, "That's cute" Deku was barely able to muster as Dabi forces him to shut up, as he puts his hand over Deku's mouth, dragging him out by the sleeve of his green sweat-shirted like hero costume.

"Hey-" Deku struggles to say as Dabi drags him away, "huh" Dabi responds letting go of Deku's sleeve, "What was that about?" asks Deku as he leans forward and puts his hands behind his back. " Don't run your mouth, also what's with your eyes, they're doing a glowing thing" Dabi says

"Huh" Deku says in confusion as he continues to walk out of the building with Dabi, "My eyes are fine" Deku says smiling, "Your eyes are doing that thing where they sparkle when you know something about the other person and you think its cute or wholesome or some shit like that." Dabi says in a annoyed tone, "I don't know about that but I think the connection you have with Shoto is amazing, he cares for you, and you care for him. Even though you guys don't show it. I just find that cool" Deku explains

"Ah, cool" Dabi responds uninterested, they both walk around the block and talk about random stuff, mostly Deku asking Dabi questions about hero work and explaining his life up to this point. They both are having a fun time talking unbeknownst to them who was watching. Hawks was slowly trailing behind them listening to them talk, he couldn't keep his eyes off Dabi, "Stunning" he unconsciously whispers to himself.

"Want some ice cream, my treat?" Dabi asks pointing to the ice cream shop, "Sure" responds Deku as they make their way to the brightly lit shop with sprinkle decorations, as they enter they are greeted with a aurora of different ice cream flavors, the shop was so cozy, they had multi colored bean bags at the back near a cream colored coffee table with floral decorations on the top with menus. It was beautiful, or so they thought, they had yet to know they were walking into a hero killing hotspot.

*Hero killing hotspots: a place were heroes are targeted and kidnapped, sold, or mostly killed, a place with connections to the black market.

"How may I help you?" asks the person behind the counter interrupting Dabi and Deku's examination.

"Ah, excuse us, we would like some ice cream" Dabi says as he snaps out of his day dream, "All right, what flavors would you like?" says the attendant, "I'll have-" Dabi tries to respond but Deku interrupts him, "Are those ice cream specials?" "They are, you are seeing our mystery special, you basically place your order and it gives you a random ice cream" the person explains

"Oh, we'll take them" Dabi responds as he pays for the order, "Great, feel free to sit down and chat while I prepare your order" the attendant says signaling toward the bean bags, "Alright" Dabi says plopping his butt on the bean bag as Deku follows suite

"This place is strangely warm, it feels- I don't know how to describe it. It makes me want to stay" Deku tells Dabi as he lays his head on the beanbag closing his eyes, slightly curling up and staying in a comfy, yet defenseless, position.

"I know what you mean, this place feels like, like home, a comfy home." Dabi says with slight hesitation, "It's weird" he continues, "Like its pulling us in, making our defenses go down, almost making you want to sleep on these bean bags, its pulling you into submission, the feeling of this place" Dabi says as he rests his head and eyes "It also smells wonderful" Deku unconsciously says, as slowly sinks deeper into the beanbag.


The attendant behind the counter and watches and waits till they are fully asleep and then, "They're heroes, ah, a pain in my ass. Now I got to drag them to the back, they're idiots , they didn't even notice that my quirk was in play." she says sighing, "Why am I stuck with this kind of thing, couldn't they make someone else do it, I'll deal with the emo bitch first, then deal with the green one."

She moves over to them, but right when she was about to touch Dabi all she could see was a red feather in her hand, stabbing it as blood dripped down staining the carpet, "Fuck, who the hell do you think you are you son of a-" she shouts as she pulls the feather out from her hand but she comes to a stop as she faces the person standing Infront of the door, a pair of golden-brownish eyes staring at her, "Go ahead finish your sentence" Hawks says walking towards her, grabbing her throat and lifting her up.

'Shit, I'm done.' as all that could go through her head as fear crept up her spine, she was face-to-face with Japan's most wanted, the ruler of Japan's underworld, the ruthless leader of the league of villains, she was done, her face turned as white as a ghost as she struggled to breath, "Please wait" a voice interrupts, as Hawks turns to face who it was, he sees a man kneeling Infront of him, "That girl is my colleague, please forgive her, she's new, she didn't know about your connection with the hero, please let her and our shop go, please I beg you" he pleads in a shaky voice, Hawks looks at the trembling man bowing Infront of him, he sighs and let's the women go, dropping her as she gasps for breath, trembling all over.

"Don't think I'm letting this slide. I'm only letting you go because I can use you. I want you to act as if nothing happened and pretend this is just a normal  shop got it." Hawks says menacingly as he steps on the poor women's hand making her scream in agony.


"Sir, your order's ready" the attendant says waking up Dabi, handing them milkshakes, "This isn't our order, " he responds yawning as he turns to face Deku who is talking to a man wearing a red mask that covers most of his face, except his lips, "You finally decide to wake up" Deku says chuckling, "They were out of the mystery flavor so I just ordered us some ice cream milkshakes" Deku explains grabbing them and thanking the attendant, "Oh, and this is?" Dabi asks as he points to the masked figure.

Hawks POV
"Oh, and this is?" Dabi asks pointing to me, I couldn't help but smile at him, he's so perfect 😍. How could someone not love him? I love him all the same. I want him to be mine, but for that to happen, I need to fulfill my goal, "I'm Keigo, nice to meet you, I'm a big fan of your, could I possibly get an autograph?" I ask feeling excited, I can't believe it!!! I'm talking to him, I'm really sitting infront of him, damn it, I want to kiss him😘

"I see, thank you for that, well as you know I'm Touya or more commonly known as Dabi, thank you for your support Keigo" he says with he sexy voice, I could listen to him talk all day, I could feel myself getting relaxed, more relaxed then I would prefer, he hands me a piece of paper with his signature and I take the opportunity to 'accidentally' touch his hand, fuck, I love his skin, I love everything about him.

"Are you okay, Mr. Keigo?" The brat in green answers, he rudely interrupts my day dream taking Dabi's gaze away from me. I should kill him later. "I'm fine" I respond as I clear my throat as to not sound offensive, last thing I want is for Dabi to think ill of me, therefore, I must be nice to his freckled boy for now.

As I was about to ask Dabi a question I was interrupted by his lovely honey-like 🍯 voice, god I love him, "So when did you get here?"

"I got here just a few minutes ago" I respond as he drinks his milkshake with his lustrous lips. The photos really don't do him justice, as I was deep in thought, the stupid kid speaks "Anyway Mr. Keigo we should get going, it was a delight meeting you" he says as he pulls Dabi up, damn him, he's talking my darling away, fuck you! "Ok, bye. Thank you for the autograph, hope we meet again. It was a delight meeting you here." I say with a grin on my face as I wave them good bye.

Dabi POV
"He was nice" Deku says breaking the silence, as we left the shop, "You think so? He was weird, he gave me the chills, like he was- well I don't know 🤷, something was just off about him. He was oddly creepy" I finish my thoughts as I remember him staring at me, he was really off, damn it, how could I allow myself to fall asleep, that place, something was really off about it, I wonder 💭, hah, I'm getting careless, then again I'm not in top form due to the lack of fighting, it's been a good while since I was called into action, no villain wants to fight me, it's been happening so often that I let me guard down to easily, I thought as I scolded myself.

As I scolded myself for this, I couldn't help but feel bummed, not only could something have happened to me, but also to Deku, I can't be so careless in the future.

Into His Hand (hero Dabi x villain Hawks)Where stories live. Discover now