Falling into his Arms

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"Uhh, what's up?" Dabi says confused about what was going on as he was zoning out, 'Hopefully its nothing to worry about' he thinks as he gives his full attention to the speaker.

"Well you see, you'll be working with me" Keigo says with a smug smile, "What now" he asks in confusion.

"You see Touya, If Mr. Keigo helps us, his life probably will be in danger, so we decided you should be his guard, you're a good fighter and aren't currently busy." Endeavor says, he pauses before continuing, "You seem to be a little of your game anyway so I think its a great idea."

'So I'm stuck working for Mr. Smug, haa. Well it's unlikely he's going to get targeted anyway, so who cares, I'll just have to stick with him, not bad since I've not been attacked in a while, so this won't be hard, plus he'll have his bodygaurds. Yup,' Dabi was deep in thought about this and he finally came to the conclusion that it wasn't a bad idea, not at all, well maybe a little.

"And that concludes our meeting"

"Finally" Dabi says letting out a sigh of relief as he gets up out of the chair, puts his hands in his leather jacket, and looks at Deku initiating for him to follow as they exit the room, he pauses for a second looking back at Keigo and resumes walking.

"Get on" Dabi says as he starts the motorcycle parked outside as they exit the building.

Deku stares in admiration at the black glossy naked bike before getting on. "I didn't know you rode a motorcycle." Deku asked in a chirpy voice.

"Now you know, also put this on" Dabi says giving Deku a purplish black helmet, with some random stickers on it, he also proceeds to put on his helmet as they drive away.


A day before Dabi is supposed to become Keigo's bodyguard, at the LOV meeting.

"All preparations have been made boss" Shigaraki says as he finishes the presentation.

"Good" Hawks says interlocking his fingers as he supports his head by laying it on top his interlocking fingers, his elbows on the table. A slight smile appears on his face as he speaks, his eyes still cold yet warm at the same time.

"When do you think we would be ready to move, or when should we move?" Stain asks looking at Hawks who is now perched on his chair.

"We should be ready to move anytime" Hawks replied as he looks through the files one last time, "though I still have a few preparations to make"

"Oh, may I ask what preparations you have to make?" Muscular  asks out of pure curiosity, though his question is met with a cold stare from Hawks, "Nevermind" he says gulping.

"That reminds me" Shigaraki says as he gets up from his chair, "We still need to get you settled into your temporary house 🏡 "

Shigaraki proceeds to pick up some loose papers tapping them on the table and neatly puts them in a folder. "Since you are going to be monitored by the pro hero, I suggest you try not to blow your cover"

Shigaraki then walks next to Hawks giving him a tube filled with a clear substance, "This is the temporary quirk remover that you asked for."

"Ah right" Hawks replies, "Welp if that's all, I'll be going now" hawks then gets up out of his seat as he goes to check on Dabi one last time.

Hawks then trails Dabi as he comes out of the UA dorms and walks towards his place, he takes a open route so Hawks had to wait a bit and chose to watch him on his security cameras instead, as Dabi encounters some low life villains as the try to make their escape.

Into His Hand (hero Dabi x villain Hawks)Where stories live. Discover now