Taking Down LOV

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Dabi and Deku enter the meeting area, they see people like All might, all of the top ten heroes including some others, and people from the hero commission.

"Your late Touya" says Endeavor in a grumpy voice
"No, I'm not, the meeting starts in 3 minutes." Dabi replies with a smirk, "Also, hope you don't mind, I brought along Deku, since he is apart of this."

"He's still a kid-" Endeavor says being cut off by All might, "He may be young but Midoriya is a fine hero, plus you've seen his skills first hand, you know that he can handle this."

"Take a seat, the meeting will start shortly" Best Jeanist says pointing to the black leathered seats in between him and All Might.

Both of them sit down as Keigo enters the room. "Ah, Mr. Keigo, welcome" Endeavor greets him, "It's a pleasure to be invited, I'm glad I can be of help" he says as he sees the seat that was originally his, being sat upon by a freckled little boy. 'That kid. He's such an annoying brat. The seat next to Dabi was supposed to be mine.' he thinks as taking an empty seat next to Edgeshot.

This was getting on his nerves. Deku was getting on his nerves. Hawks was smiling but inside he was boiling.
"Alright, since everyone is here. Let me introduce all of you to someone." Endeavor states as he turns to look at Keigo, "This is Mr. Keigo, I'm sure most of you have heard of him. He's quite famous, and well, a famous public figure in the world of business. His brand, 'Feathers United', has taken the world by surprise since it opened, and with the trust people have in hero's declining, we need a respected public figure, like Mr. Keigo."

"Thank you for inviting me, as you all know. I am Keigo. I am honored to be here with you all. I'm personally a big fan of Pro Hero Dabi. I'm also a big freedom activist. And- uh, well that's all I have to say. Hope I will be able to help" Hawks says, slightly bowing his head.

The meeting continues with an anxious Deku, a silent Hawks, and a mostly quiet Dabi, he would occasionally speak up to point out mistakes or risky plans. Hawks would sightly agree or disagree with the plan, slowly but surely, manipulating it to fit his plans.

"Let's take a break now. We have almost everything figured out." Endeavor says as he leans back in his chair. "Great, I'm starving" says Dabi, "SO AM I" declares All might.

"Well, if everyone is ok with it, I'll get us all pizza. It'll be my treat." Hawks says standing up, "I know that some of you are vegetarian/ allergic to certain things, so I'll get some veggie, pepperoni, and cheese pizzas."
"That sounds amazing!!" Deku says all cheery, "You'll probably need help carrying them, I'll go with you" he says getting up and pushing his chair in.

"Uh" Hawks was reluctant to bring him with him, 'That brat always gets in the way of me and Dabi, I have half the mind to kill him, he's really annoying dammit.' As Keigo was thinking of an excuse to decline him Dabi speaks, "I'll also help. I doubt you two can carry them alone. So I'm going" he finishes as he kicks away from the table standing up and putting his hands in his pockets, almost doing the Geto walk, as he walks towards Keigo.

'I'm not leaving Deku alone with the suspicious guy, also I want to make sure he doesn't do anything to the food' Dabi thinks, 'I don't trust him'

"Alight let's go" Keigo says as he smiles opening the door for them. 'He wants to go with me😊' Keigo thinks, completely forgetting about the green head following them. Deku goes in-between Dabi and Keigo.

'THAT ANNOYING BRAT😡🤬' Keigo was now very annoyed of this freckled boy, but he still managed to smile and focus of Dabi.

"I'll drive" Dabi offers

"Nah, its fine. I have my car parked right outside" Hawks says.

"It's fine, I'll drive" Dabi says

"I insist we take my car." Keigo says

"I said I'll-" Dabi didn't get to finish his sentence as Deku says, "Didn't we walk here?"

'Deku you idiot' Dabi thinks, "It's fine, I got Endeavors car keys" He says waving the car keys in the air, dangling from his fingers.

"Alright, you can drive" Keigo says not wanting to anger Dabi as he presses the elevator button.

They then proceed to have a short conversation in the elevator and go to Endeavors car. "Does Mr. Endeavor know you have his keys?" Deku asks in his Deku voice.

"Ha, Nope" Dabi responds grinning unlocking the car. "What, why?!" Deku panics, "Wait, then we're not supposed to be here!" He exclaims

"It's fine" Dabi responds starting the engine, "It's not like the old man is going to notice."

Hawks proceeds to quietly sit in the passenger seat,

"You getting in?" Dabi says

'Please say no' Keigo thinks

"But- ok" Deku sighs opening the door and getting in
"HUH WHY ARE-" Deku starts to scream as he enters the back seat but shuts up.

"What happened?!!" Dabi says swiftly turning to face him

"Oh nothing?" Deku says in a unsure voice

"What's up kid" Keigo asks

"I was going to ask, uh" he pauses for a moment, "I was going to ask Why are the seats to comfy." Deku says placing his hands on the seat.

Deku POV

I got in the car, as I sat down not expecting to see Todoroki hiding behind a seat.

"HUH WHY ARE-" I scream in shock but quickly stop as he puts his finger over his lips initiating for me to not expose him. What's Todoroki doing here? I mean, why the heck is he hiding in Endeavors car?! Why is he hiding from Dabi?

A gazillion questions rushed though my mind as someone finally spoke, "So how's hero work?" Keigo asks leaning towards Dabi.

"The same as usual" Dabi responds uninterested. We end up making small talk until we reach the pizzeria. I look to see Todoroki still there as we park. "What are you doing here?" I whisper to him, "Spying" he whispers backs.

"We're here" Mr. Keigo says unbuckling his seatbelt
"Lets go" Dabi says unlocking the door, as he gets out of the car, Todoroki stares at him and Mr. Keigo. I also get out of the car leaving Todoroki inside.

"Hi can I get-" Dabi tries to speak to the cashier as he stumbles entering the door, but not to worry, before I could even react, Mr. Keigo grabs Dabi's hand and wrist pulling him, they end up looking like there were dancing. They kind of looked cute.

"Be careful, Dear" Mr. Keigo says, what he says WHAT?!

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