Chapter 5 - Revelation

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Crowds of students flocked around the cafeteria but it wasn't for lunch. Calvin had never been surrounded by so many women ever in his life and the sad part is, they weren't even there for him.

Val stood by me nudging and pointing toward the devilishly handsome man who conversed with Calvin. The man looked even more perfect outside of Midnight Run's interior lighting—the man who could make my world crumble.  


"I'm telling you there is no way in hell those two are brothers. There's zero resemblance," Val pandered on, scoping them out. 

She wasn't wrong, Calvin had shaggy blonde hair and looked like any measly young man you'd find working as a cashier. Whereas Yu-jun looked like he came straight from a Vogue shoot. 

Many girls hovered around them snapping secret pictures, adjusting their hair, stances and makeup, all while trying to make their way into conversation with Calvin and Yu-Jun. The girls that tried talking to Calvin, were the same ones who made fun of him behind his back. Although he looked like he was enjoying the attention, he wasn't dumb and ignored their desperate attempts. 

"Maybe he's adopted," I let out, still in complete shock that he was here.

Memories of that night flooded my mind unwillingly, a wave of impending doom engulfing my heart. He was the only one who knew we were outside with the Vampire that night.

The crashing of that wave released my next words without much thought, "What the hell is he doing here?" 

"You know him?" Val exclaimed as she turned to me.

I grabbed her by the arm, quickly pulling her from any prying eyes or ears, right behind some lockers. 

"He's from the club Val," I whispered, anxiously looking around.

Her eyes went wide in surprise before her mouth stretched into a wide grin, "Oh, you didn't tell me about him you sneaky girl," she proudly egged on, hitting me lightly on the arm.

"It wasn't like that, he knows!" I hissed.

Her brow rose in confusion, "Knows what?"

I looked around once more, making sure no one was in earshot and pulled Val closer, "That I, you-know-what the Vam...guy, at the club with my heel!" 

A look of annoyance crossed her delicate face, "You're still going on about this? You didn't stab anyone, you were high." 

"Shhh!" I hushed her immediately, huddling closer into the locker as if it could protect me. "Val I'm dead serious, over my grandma serious! You were there you just... don't remember," I veered off, realising the chances of her believing me were practically non-existent.

I anxiously tugged on my ear, staring at Val while waiting for her to say something but she didn't. She was staring behind me, wide-eyed and flustered as if she were naked in front of the entire school. Suddenly I tuned back into my surroundings, realising how quiet it had become around us. 

Was lunch over already?

In that dreaded moment, the weight of a familiar hand graced my shoulder. 

"Alexis," he announced, his voice grabbing the attention of everyone in the vicinity. My body went numb as I stood frozen in place, my mind racing and unsure of what to do. The weight of the man's hand held my entire existence like I were a pawn in his dangerous game. 

Valerie also stood still, gawking at the man behind me. The events of that night seemed to merge with my reality in horrible flashes of Val's lifeless body dropping into that cold snow, to now. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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