Chapter 4 - The Bright Place

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Mother left us some leftover quiche she had made the night before. She and Tyson had already left for their daily park walk which saved Val and me from an unwanted interrogation, thankfully.

I couldn't eat. I still felt sick from last night that I couldn't even fathom putting something in my stomach. Valerie on the other hand, had already spent part of her morning throwing up last night's drinks, which relieved her of her nausea. The ibuprofen I had taken still didn't fix the pounding headache I had either though it did make my eyes feel even heavier from the no sleep I had gotten last night.

"That guy was totally hot. Like, Theo James type of hot. But Theo James from another country. My god, did you hear his accent when he offered us the free drinks on his tab? It was like, British but Australian." Valerie was rambling in between bites, recalling the only thing she could remember which she repeatedly talked about.

"I'm pretty sure Theo James is from another country," I drowsily replied while laying my head on the table and gazing at her. Her neck was completely fine, not a single scratch indicating she was attacked by a vampire last night.

"Really? Huh, well it doesn't matter. This guy looked exotic, I mean did you see the tattoos he had on his arm?"

"I didn't notice. I was too busy creating death scenarios in my head involving the douchebag," I muttered, revisiting those scenarios once again.

"I think we'd make such cute babies together," she cooed like a puppy in love, brushing off my comment.

Valerie is a hopeless romantic. Everything romantic, she could recite to you. She's the only one I knew who enjoyed Shakespeare for the sake of all the love stories within. Every chick-flick, romance and Disney movie was consumed by her. She dreamed of finding the perfect man, expecting them to all turn out like Aladdin.

But reality was a bitch.

She was unfortunately cheated on in elementary school, which she took very seriously. The young nine-year-old Val had a 'boyfriend' who held hands with another girl from our year and kissed her on the cheek. I would say poor Val, but unfortunately for the other girl, Valerie was in her third year of mixed martial arts classes that her dad made her attend. Not to mention, she graduated at the top of those classes every year. Sure she might've broken some rules and possibly the other girl's nose, but in the end, she did it for love and respect.

So she says.

"Hello? Did you hear anything I just said?" she waved her delicate hands in front of my face, bringing me back to the present.

I lifted my head, not realising my mind had wandered off.

"Sorry, I didn't get any sleep last night."

Her green eyes softened at me, "That's okay, I was just rambling on anyway. I'll clean our plates, you should go lie down and try to get some rest. I'll head home when I'm done." she gave me a dimpled smile before she stuffed my quiche she knew I wasn't going to eat, in her mouth.

"Thanks, Val."

She hurriedly cleaned off our plates as I got up from the table slowly. I waited for her to be done so I could see her off, even though she lived right next door.

"See you in the morning!" She cheered, hugging me before walking off next door.

"I'll give your clothes back next time!" She yelled as she walked up her porch. That was a lie, we never returned each other's clothes whenever we borrowed them. Unspoken rule, what's hers is mine, and vice versa.

I shut the door with a heavy sigh and began walking back upstairs to my room. Valerie didn't bother to ask me about the Vampire stuff since the last time we talked about it. I assumed that she assumed it was due to drugs which she believed over the truth.

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