"I AM SORRY!" I said in a voice louder than intended which ofcourse shocked Pete.
From his eyes I could see him heavily judging me for a moment but he closed them and after fixing his expressions opened them again to look at me.

"You know how to apologise?" He looked dramatically baffled.

"I shouldn't have accused you like that, I don't know what came over me that just crumbled my senses and made me scream at you without even giving you a chance to explain yourself." I looked at him straight in the eyes.

"I've never been good at apologising or expressing what I truly mean. So can you take this take as an apology from me? I baked it for you...you love chocolate cakes, don't you? I promise that I will never treat you like that again. I'll never again scream at you on the basis of fabricated information." I made sure to keep a soft expression to convey how truly apologetic I was and stretched my hands that were holding the cake, towards him.

He looked at me for a second before averting his eyes towards the cake and took a small piece to indicate that he had forgiven me for my stupidity.

I smiled in relief as I got up and keeping it beside him tried to walk away but was stopped half-way.

"Is the whole cake for me?" He asked.

"Ofcourse, I baked it specially for you afterall." I said without turning back and left the room after answering his question, to give him a little space.

Vegas' POV Ends.

Pete's POV:

The cake tasted really sweet, exactly the way I liked it to be. After sitting in silence for a few hours, my anger sure had melted and the cake baked by Vegas himself helped me to let go of any residual sour feelings, afterall I did not have the luxury to keep bitter feelings against any member of the family.

Even though Vegas was really apologetic, I somehow still couldn't convince myself that Vegas would never react without listening to my side again.
Maybe it was the hint of a foreign emotion present in his eyes that appeared quite similar to distrust and grudge or maybe it was because of the number of times I had my trust broken by others, I just couldn't bring myself to trust his words completely.

POV Ends.

A few days later:

Third person POV:

Vegas and Pete had been invited to a party but Pete was unable to skip college because of an exam due to which Vegas had decided that he would pick Pete up directly from college.

"Are you going to pick up Pete now?" Porsche asked while coming towards him.

"Ah yes. It's about time his exam got over" Vegas said before glancing at his watch to check how much more time was left with him.

"Do you want Charlie's number?" Porsche asked making Vegas scrunch up his eyebrows in confusion and a slight irritation.

"What would I need that for? And where did you get his number from? Have you met him already?" Vegas asked in a perplexed tone.

"Well, we came across Pete and Charlie a few days ago but I and Khun were on a secret trip so we just introduced ourselves as Pete's friend to act like we all didn't belong to the same family. And Pete gave me his number, to call him up if I ever needed to talk to Pete urgently in case he doesn't receive my calls due to any reason." Porsche explained the whole situation while carefully analysing the change of emotions on Vegas' face. Every twitch, every microchange in the alignment of his facial muscles were giving him a rough idea about his feelings towards Pete.

"Does that mean they always stick together? Don't leave each other for even a second in college?" His eyebrows furrowed.

"I guess so. Pete gave me the number himself so that must be the case. Afterall, Charlie takes such good care of Pete. No wonder they always stick together. Honestly, they look quite good together." Porsche took his chances but decided to stop upon seeing Vegas' expressions turning dark. He knew that pushing him any further would prove to be dangerous for both him as well as Pete thus discontinued his attempts to make Vegas jealous and left the place to continue with his day.

"Goodbye then. Inform me if you are unable to locate Pete, I'll text you Charlie's number." He adviced and like always, Vegas nodded to the suggestion.

Vegas barely ever opposed Porsche's decisions and even though he had no interest in knowing about any information even remotely related to Charlie, he had to say yes.

But thankfully Pete and Charlie were already waiting for him at the entrance. Vegas was on his bike since their plan was to make a stop at the minor family mansion, change into other clothes and take the car from there as it was relatively closer to the venue.

He had his helmet on and gave the other one to Pete before accepting the handshake that Charlie had offered. He was observing Charlie intently and was analysing his body language as well as behaviour around Pete, however it was not discreet enough to not let Charlie get a hint about the examination. Both Pete and Charlie grew uncomfortable due to Vegas' uncanny ways but chose to stay silent about it.

"I believe you two still have quite a lot of time to catch up to each other, we need to leave for now." Vegas said still trying to sound polite amidst his jealousy.

"Well, Pete is just too adorable to let go. I just can't get enough of him no matter how much I talk to him." Charlie smirked victoriously as if he had an authority over Pete.

"I am well aware of how adorable my husband is and as much I agree to what you said, I believe it would be better if you found someone else who would talk to you as much as you want because I need to take MY HUSBAND somewhere right now." The politeness used earlier was starting to fade away from his voice.

"I wish I could tag along" Charlie said while looking at Pete but before Pete could say anything Vegas grabbed his hand to stop him from replying.

"How about you stay here and mind your own business since we are not going somewhere to play around?" Blatant rudeness had taken over the previous carefully carved speech and even though Pete was uncomfortable with the whole situation, he could not do anything except maintain his silence to avoid making a scene.

Pete sat behind Vegas and indicated him to start driving to cut the conversation short and after waving Charlie a goodbye, left the college premises along with Vegas.

The whole trip to the minor family was spent in an air drowned in reticence. No one uttered a single word and even after reaching, they were separately guided to their rooms to change up.

During the party, Vegas and Pete stayed close to each other and had their arms linked together to maintain the image of a loving couple. A number of people present in the party blessed the newly wed couple and appreciated how good they looked together to which they both smiled and thanked them for the compliments while still not talking to each other however.

It was somewhere around 11 at night when they came back home and instinctively they knew that they were both going to end up fighting again. But they could do nothing to avoid it, afterall it was regarding the topic that had inevitably widened the gap between the two.

( Writer's note: There's only one thing I can say about the next chapter:
"Brace yourself" lol <3 )

Hateful Love ( Vegaspete )Where stories live. Discover now