Friends? (Jason The Toy Maker X Reader)

Start from the beginning

You felt your face heat up as he gently took your hand in his and kissed your knuckles. "And What name would I owe to a pretty thing like you?"

"O-oh uh.. It's Y/n" 

That marked the first day of your strange "friendship" with the male, the blue door never left your home and seemed to appear wherever he wanted to- which got annoying when he'd place it over another door and you wouldn't be able to get into any rooms, but you put up with it. It was just another one of his strange antics, after all. He was rather childish, and you found that he could be jealous and possessive of his friendships. That was fine, it's not like you had any other friends anyway. But you easily could've done without his excessive 'are we friends' questions.

You found yourself once again awake, tapping away at your key board as the night drew it's self on, a familiar- tower of a man appeared from behind- placing a soft bear in your lap. One that was made up of all the primary colors- each patch and limb a different color to accent another.   

You felt a lazy smile come across your face. "Why- thank you Jason, this one's cuter than the last one" 

"You say that about all of my toys I make" his gentle voice said- he had an accent you couldn't quiet place, though it was rather nice. 

"That's because they're all cute, Jason and frankly" you paused to yawn. "I love them all. I love anything you make" 

You gave him a lazy smile, you could've sworn you could see his cheeks get red in your computer light- though it was hard to tell. You could see his yellow eyes glowing animalistically in the darkness clear as day though. 

"Why- no need to throw out lies like that" he chuckled. 

"Nope! No lies. All truth" you giggled, yawning. "I like it all, they make me rather happy actually. You make me happy, Jason" 

You watched as the man seemed to get embarrassed, his smirk was crooked and his face was a bright pink. "I- you should get to sleep it's late" he reminded you and you nodded, yawning. 

"That's okay, I'll sleep right here" 

Jason stared at you. "Absolutely not you won't!" 

You pouted. "Please?" 

"No, I'm taking you to bed this instant." he exclaimed, before you had a chance to respond the taller, and rather stronger male picked you up and placed you in bed gently, he began to pull away when you grabbed hold of his vest. 

"Jason, wait-" he pauses, looking down at you, he couldn't help but adore how you looked cuddled with the new teddy bear he had made. 

"Could.." he watched you trail off, as your own face got red. "Could you sleep with me tonight? Please?" 

Jason thought about it, before nodding slowly, crawling in next to you, his body felt hod as you huddled into his side. He carefully wrapped his arm around you- dragging you closer to him, gently brushing your bangs from your forehead as he had.  

He stared down at you for a moment, your hair tangling in gentle silk twirls around his fingers. 


"Yes Jason?"

"Are we.. Friends?"

"I would like to think we are" you responded, used to his friend questions by now and he hummed. He always had been an insecure man. Always believing that you hated him,  that you would leave- and he always needed reassurance, it was okay though. It made Jason, well- Jason.

You looked up at him, the strands of hair sliding between his fingers as you did. "Is something wrong?" you asked, and he shook his head. 

"No, nothing at all. Just.. Thinking" he responded, dragging his sharp nails down your cheek to your jaw bone. 

"Thinking of what?" 

"Our friendship, " he pauses, his eyes flicking to your lips. 

You leaned into his touch. "Yea?" 

"Yea" he muttered, his eyes locking on yours. Slowly, in fear of you running or pulling away- he pulled you in close as he sat up- your lips meeting his in the softest of kisses. 

You let out a soft whimper, one of surprise and satisfaction- you had fallen for the toy maker, somehow he had charmed you with all his creations and sickly sweetness. You shivered when he nibbled on your bottom lip- and you opened your mouth to allow his tongue to play with yours, sliding against your tongue gently. You could taste the tea he had drank earlier across his taste buds which seemed to excited your own. You did your best to get as close as possible to him- before pulling away to breath. The both of you seemed to be in a daze, him more so than you. 

He clears his throat, licking his lips as he tried to cool his red face by unbuttoning his collar some. "I-I don't know what came over me there" 

He fidgets uncomfortably, chewing on his bottom lip as he had, his insecurities were settling. "I've never done anything like that before! Oh dear uh, please- forgive me? Oh gosh, please be my friend still I shouldn't have I'm so-"                                                                                                               

You quickly silenced the insecure man with another kiss- when you pulled away his face was as red as his hair. " It's okay, I liked it" 

"You did?" 

You nod, and he smiles, his shoulders relaxing as you laid against his chest- holding the new bear tightly in your arms as you had. "Bed time now though" you muttered, and he nods- sitting you two in silence. You hummed as he began to play with your hair. 

"Hey, Y/n?" 

You sighed. What happened to sleeping? 

"Yes, Jason?"

"Are we still friends?"

"Of course." 

"But friends don't kiss" 


"So.. What are we?" 

You let out a sigh. This was turning out to be a long night.

Trick your Treat (Creepypasta Various! X Reader) one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now