"I talked to it."

"Talked? You talked to the fur ball? The one with the claws and teeth? " I counter as si Look at her like she just grew 3 heads like her sigil! She talked to it?! "So you do not hold control over it?" She asks as I get up again and walk over to the small tabel before filling the glass with the hopefully wine. 

"Why are we talking like we've known each other since birth?" I counter as I walk over to her and hold the cup out in her direction. "Drink."

"You do not trust me?" She counters and I raise my brow at her. "Have you given me reasons to trust you?" I counter and now she matches me as she raises her brow. "You are in this room and not in a dark, dark cell with chains around you after you've killed ten of my men." She says as she takes the cup and walks away from me while my eyes well move down. She looked at me it would be rude to not look back, right? 

"Ow thank you so much, what do you wish in return you know a Lannister always pays his debts."

"Your army, your support, your ships and gold." She says as she turns back around and I can't stop the laugh that leaves my lips as I move to take the cup from her again while she moves her arm back. "No, no, no and no." I say as I step closer and now grab the cup before taking a large sip. 

"Did you not just ask what I wished in return?"

"Did you forget my nephew sits on the Iron Throne? Sure, Tyrion hates Cersei, he may hate me for being my father's heir and inheriting everything that may have been his but I am not a hateful person, rather forgiving I always believed." I say before taking another sip of the wine and it's better than expected. 

"You sailed all this way to get revenge because Tyrion killed your father that does not look very fogiving to me, and do you forgive your father for what he did to your mother?" She says making my gaze harden as my neck twitches. "Don't speak of stuff you don't know about, Tyrion is lying."

"He does not seem like the type who would l-"

"Shut up!" I yell her way as the cup shatters in my hands and I feel the heat in my body increase as I take heavy breaths. Seeing her try to open her mouth I release a groan as I feel my fingers start to turn into the claws. 

"Hey look at me Jason, it's oke."Her voice softly says as she moves closer while I take some shaky steps away from her while  I am fighting against the fur bal to not come out at this moment! 

"G-get out." I groan out as I move my head back while my hands move towards my chest as I start to pull at my skin.  "It's oke, your oke." She says as I feel her hand on my chest making my head snap back down while a growl leaves my lips as my eyes meet hers. 

"I do not know you Jason Lannister and you don't know me, but in here you are a good man Tyrion spoke often of you." She continues to say as I take heavy breaths while my claws still claw at my skin before I feel them turn back to fingers?! 

Snapping my eyes down I see my hands and I loo back up at her with shock on my face, normally when it's like that already well it's hello fur ball bye bye  Jason! 

"How did you do that?! Some weird witchy stuff! "I ask her with wide eyes as I take a step away from her and look my hands over. "I talked to you as you heard." She says with a shake of her head as I turn around and look towards my ass. "Is the tail still there?!" I say as I continue to look at my ass. 

"And here I thought Lannister's where all about business." She says making me turn back in her direction with a raised brow. "If Tyrion's words are true I am half Stark and my father killed my mother after she pushed me out." I say as I grab the whole can off wine and take a sip from it. 

"What am I to do with you Lord Lannister." She says and I shrug my shoulders. "What would you wish to do with me?" I counter as I look at her. "I could kill you and get it over with, I could throw you in a cell and throw away the key, but your brother wishes for you to join me .... that I could benefit to have you by my side as than a Great House has sided with me." She says making me hum. 

"Join you and then wait until you put my nephews, sisters and brothers head on a spike? You'll get my niece back from where she is and put her head on a spike also, your beautiful very very beautiful." I say as I move closer to her and look her over. 

"Many would fall on their own sword if you gave the order." I continue as I grab her chin harshly and look her face over, she is beautiful no denying that one. "The things men would do to have a chance to lay with you, to feel your skin under theirs, to hear your moans. Have a chance to put their heir inside of your stomach."I whisper almost against her lips. 

"Is that what you wish Lord Jason, my hand for your support?" She says back as her eyes search mine and I push her slightly away from me. "I am not most men Daenerys Targaryen now I think this room will be my cell so goodnight." I say as I turn around and get in the bed. 

Author's Note,

Aawh a extra update, leaaaaaaaaaaaaave a vote and comment! 

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