𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑆𝑒𝑛𝑡

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"Come forth fallen angel. God's son, wings clipped. Embalmed in brimstone and hellfire till he rose again as the king of the world below. Come forth and answer me. Your child, loyal to purgatory, loyal to you. Allow me your insight and inspiration," I say, my séance to him in the locked cellar of the angel's home. Eyes shut tight in anticipation. I needed to speak with him. I needed to know the truth about who I am and what this all meant.

"Please father, I need you." I whisper.

I felt nothing. Not a damn thing besides the shortness of my breath.

I peaked out of one eye, then the other. Rolling my eyes, I rise from my spot on the floor. "Should've known." I huffed.

To my surprise, the candles suddenly went out. I felt a chill run down my spine as the atmosphere became eerie and cold. Golden yellow eyes appeared before me, staring at me, blinking slowly. I didn't shy away from the monstrous being. Not even as he moved around me and his wings dragged along the ground.

He stopped for a moment, watching me again before I frowned at him and rolled my eyes. I heard his loud, boisterous chuckle and soon a snapping sound that brought flame back to my candles.

My father stood before me, his human form eliciting a scowl from me. "I've never hated you more than I do right now. You've been hiding shit from me?!" I start off strong. Not intentionally. He just makes me so damn mad.

"That is no way to talk to your father–"

"Don't give me that bullshit! When have you EVER taken that role serious? Was it after Lilith banished me here, or after she beat me senseless for something I couldn't control?!" I could feel the temperature in the atmosphere rise as my hands curled into fists. "Why is all of this happening to me? Why does my mother hate me? Why don't you speak to me? What have I done?!"

He stared at me, his face covered with an expression that I couldn't even understand. He knew I didn't understand. I was so lost and hurting so badly. Even with these feelings I've been developing for Beyoncé, I was still so confused about where I belonged.

"So what," I frowned, "you have nothing to say for yourself?! Just call yourself father of the fucking year because you surely earned the title." I scoffed, holding back tears.

I shut my eyes tightly, letting my body fall weakly to my knees as I sobbed. Why? Why did this have to be my life? One of which I have no idea what I'm doing. I've become a prisoner to my mind. Maybe my mother is right. I deserve nothing. I've failed whatever trials I've been given, I failed my parents and myself.

His presence was closer now, within the circle of candles and kneeling next to me. The embodiment of hell wrapped his arms around me and cradled me close to his chest like a small child. My tears fell harder as I allowed the loving embrace, one I hadn't received I years.

"I have no idea what to do anymore, s-she's going to hurt her.." I attempt to catch my breath and accidentally slipping up, but it became clear to me that he was already aware. From his lack or reaction, my father gave me a nod as I set my gaze on him again. "I want to know everything. From the beginning, I just want to understand."

"And you will, it won't make sense to–"

"I don't care. I just need to know."

The older man sighed, he smiled at me soon after. "The woman you think is your mother isn't related to you at all," he began, forcing my expression to fall into one of confusion. When I went to speak her stopped me and let me go, standing and using his powers to create an image for me. "Your real mother was an angel. One of the royal family in heaven and upon our meeting I knew she was the one for me. My soulmate."

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