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I splash water onto my face, washing away the memory my tears had left on my cheeks. It's been so long and yet I'm still feeling the affects of my past.

Gazing through the mirror at my own reflection I sigh. Even after I had dried my face I couldn't help but cry again, just from the feeling of being so weak. I had fallen to my knees, blubbering incoherently through my tears.

I felt hands raking through my hair. The figure standing by my kneeling body had begun humming a tune, telling me exactly who was there.

"You're a child, Onika. You have absolutely no sense of direction in this world and yet you choose to disobey me." Her voice boomed in my ears, taunting me. Her heartlessness pierced me like a knife.

I continue to cry, the sound of it becoming softer and softer until only tears were left. I sat the towel in my lap, letting the water flow from my eyes. "Mom–"

"I don't want to hear it. This was your choice, your decision. Don't cry about it now." She cupped my face and made me look at her. Amber eyes filled my vision. Full of nothing but resentment. "You allowed that to happen to you. You let your guard down with that boy. Now look at you. Disappointing." She stared blankly.

I knew she was right. I had let my guard down years ago with this human boy I thought had loved me. He hurt me, badly. But I'm to blame for it. I should've listened, I should've gone home that night but I didn't.

"Ma, please! I-I want to go home." I couldn't take it anymore.

"That's a shame." She let me go. "There is still some time before I allow something like that to happen. I hear you're still fucking that low level demon, Robyn. That along with dealing in human affairs." She hummed. I frowned.

"You expect me to enjoy these... escapades over someone who's only goal has ever been to please me? To make me feel loved and cherished? You know what that man did to me, how he hurt me. Why do you continue to ignore the fact that I haven't healed from that?"

Her expression darkened. Her amber eyes burned a blood red, piercing into my eyes. "Frankly, I don't care. I have thousands of other children willing to follow me to the depths of purgatory before even batting a lash at a life besides the one I'd given them. Be grateful I haven't taken yours for such disrespect to our kind."

More tears filled my eyes. Those of anger in place of those of sadness. A fire burned within me. She makes me resent her, my life, who I am. I hate her.

"Make me human then. Or, hell, let that man come back to rape me like he did before to teach me that fucked up lesson about being Mommy's good little girl." I rose to my feet, breathing heavily. My rage taking over. Something I had inherited from the woman before me.

I could see myself in the mirror. I had changed back to my normal form. My red glowing skin, my tail and my horns. I tried to ignore it.

"You want me to learn my lesson so fucking bad, and yet you haven't told me what I've done to deserve your wrath. You took away any chances of me having a child, you blocked me from my home for the last nine years, what do you want from me?!" I yelled, my voice distorted.

"For you to understand that our kind are not meant to be loved. So stop thinking you deserve such a thing and remember where you came from, Onika. You're a Succubus. Not a Human."

I watched her as she turned away from me, opening a portal to the world below. My mother gazed back at me, smirking softly.

"You'll understand in due time what crossing the most powerful woman in Hell means. Have a wonderful night, my child."

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