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A̸K̸A̸ 𝗋𝖾𝖽 赤

I felt nothing.
No cursed energy whatsoever...
I felt empty...
I open my eyes, feeling around the side of my bed until my fingers slid through his soft hair, it was getting long.
"Sazan? Are you feeling okay?"
"Satoru I feel none of my cursed energy..."
He sat up, looking into my eyes, his eyebrows rose,
"Your cursed energy is drained? Sazan, what do you remember?"
I recall the train, getting off the phone with Gojo, the lights turning off, screams as the train screeched to a stop, then...my body moving on its own.
"I killed so many people...my curse—but there was someone more powerful, I confronted him and..."

I felt my stomach, the patched up hole in it...the empty void I felt...
"Satoru I am a vassal."
"For who? You aren't like Itadori. Who is that man you saw in that nightmare a while ago?"
"He was at the train station...long white hair..skin patched together, a smile on his lips...He is the one who compelled me to kill humans. He hates humans. He loves souls though..."
Gojo looked pale as I said this, he knew who I was talking about.
"I need to make a few calls."
He stepped back from me, I reached out for him but he was quick to exit the room.
He hates me now...huh?
Whoever fuels my curse was someone dangerous enough to worry even Gojo...

I force myself to sit up through the pain.
I call for him, my feet chilled as they touched the cold tile of the hospital floor, I made myself stand, wobbling on sore legs, the needles in my arms connected to fluids came out as I pulled my arm free.
My heart monitor line going flat letting out a long beep, and an emergency signal.
I have to get to Satoru...
Just as I got to the door, Satoru rushed in almost slamming into me.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"You hate me...don't you?"
"What are you talking about right now? Come here and lay back down!"
He grabbed me and I screamed in pain from the cuts and bruises, he dropped me and I fell to the ground, he dropped down in front of me and cupped my face in his hands as nurses and doctors came in.

"What did you do to her?"
They tried to grab him but he moved, taking me in his arms again, and we were at my hospital bed almost instantly.
"Sazan...I don't hate you. I hate the man who has been manipulating you."
"You promise me?"
He kissed me.
He wanted me to shut up.
I've been nothing but whiny these past few days, I could tell I was wearing his patience.


The meeting about me happened in the hospital room I was stuck in because of my injuries lack of recovery. I felt weak.
"Her cursed energy is depleted."
Gojo glanced over at me as he spoke with Nanami with the other Jujutsu Sorcery masters.
"You said Mahito is behind this? She became a vassal for an unregistered special grade that already has a physical body?"
One man questioned, it was the man Gojo was talking with the day I met him.
"What is his goal? The girl is a pretty powerful sorcerer but what is her full background? Most of her information has been erased since she killed another sorcerer."
Another man spoke,
I just shut my eyes and turned my body painfully to face away from them.

Recalling my betrayal of the Jujutsu Sorcerers, remembering waking up in piles of bodies, remembering his hands...
Mahito is his name huh..?
"Though it is even more unheard of a sorcerer's cursed energy being drained."
"If she continues not to recover, I believe we should preform an autopsy."
"You are not going to lay a finger on her. I'm sorry but I will fix this."
Gojo snapped,
"Satoru I don't think you have a choice in her anymore."
Nanami spoke in a quiet voice to him.
"She is mine. All of you have no business with her until I come to my conclusion. I will save her. Mahito is the answer to that."

The room was silent after. I felt Gojo's familiar warm touch as he slid a hand over my side, resting it on my hip.
I felt him press a kiss to my ear and then I heard footsteps walk out of my hospital room door.
"Nanami, do you know where we can find Mahito?"
Gojo asked.
"No, I think it would be a good start to go investigate that train station this all happened in though."
"Alright, let's go then."
I felt Gojo's hand slip from my body, both Nanami and Gojo's footsteps lead out my room door, and I was alone again...

"Alone? No my dear, you are never alone when I am here with you~"
I jolt, the room was dark.
Those cold hands sliding down my body..
I felt my throat tighten, my heart beat stilled.
"Yes my little puppet?"
"Why...did you make me do all that...?"
He chuckled, he blew cold air over the exposed skin of the back of my neck, I shivered.
"Humans are disgusting. Just remember how they all betrayed you, not just your little sorcerer friend, but all the sorcerers you looked up to and respected were in on it!"
"You are lying!"
I turn to look up at him, his crooked smile made my bones chill...
"Why would I lie to you? I saw you spill out with such cursed potential and gave you the strength you needed to fulfill your desire! Your intense desire to live, fueled by sadness, hatred, despair, betrayal!"
"Stop it...I just want to go back to how I was..."

"Please Mahito...let me..."
"Let you~?"
"Let me go."

𝖺𝗄𝖺赤 ~ 𝗚𝗢𝗝𝗢 𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗨Where stories live. Discover now