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A̸K̸A̸ 𝗋𝖾𝖽 赤

"I think it would be best to meet in a more comfortable setting."
Gojo sighed, pulling his blindfold off his face and tucking it in his suit pocket, looking at Nanami.
"She is unstable, yet predictable. I will ask my questions later then."
Nanami took his leave, and I relaxed once more, Gojo leaning his shoulder on the fence at my right side, studying me.
"Are you afraid of men Sazan?"
I shook my head, watching his eyes as they wandered my frame, studying my body language. I crossed my arms, hugging the sides of my stomach uncomfortably.
"I'm cautious because I have been a target of people who claimed they cared for me. They say they want to help when they just try to kill me. I didn't want to be cursed you know."

"I get it."
Gojo sighed, just in time, Itadori, Megumi, and...Nobara I believe, they arrived with a cursed being.
He struggled in their hold, groaning, my stomach flipped.
"Do you feel the need to kill it? To consume it? To save it?"
Gojo leaned into me, his breath grazing my ear, brushing down my exposed neck, I shiver.
"I consume souls and hearts. It has neither, so I am indifferent. My impulse is to eliminate it, but that is just because it poses a threat to me."
My heart began to pound, my vision hyper fixated on the cursed entity.
"Release it."
Gojo instructed his students,
I tried to protest, but it was already too late.
I felt myself leave my body, rushing right for the curse, as Gojo's students broke away from it.

I watched as my scythe appeared, decapitating the cursed entity, then I was headed straight for Megumi.
I watched as his eyes widened, as I went straight for him, our faces so close I could feel his breath-
I swung my scythe back,
"Move!" I cried.
But before I could swing at him, I was on the 'ground'.
I blink up at the  dark splotchy sky, the white blinded me.
"Master Satoru..?"
I sat up slow, hesitant. Will he kill me now that I went after one of his students?
I told him...
"My, you really are a reaper."
He was behind me.
I dared not look at him.
"I didn't mean to..."

He was silent.
I kept silent too.
There was no point in crying and begging for forgiveness. What was done is done. He will do as he pleases.
I jolt at the feeling of his hands on my shoulders.
His hands sliding down my arms slowly, then a pain bit into my right wrist, when I looked down at it, there was blood everywhere.
Is he going to torture me?
"Master Satoru please kill me quick."
"Kill you? Sazan you are hurt from Megumi."
I went quiet, looking down at the wound again. He was just applying pressure to stop the bleeding.
"Oh...I didn't even see him or feel him do that. Ah Master Satoru! That-"

I cry out as the pain finally catches out. I was back to my body being mine and damn Megumi could leave a mark. My body heat rushing up from my wound to my whole arm.
"He poisoned you."
Gojo sighed, clocking his tongue, his chest pressed to my back as he spoke into my right ear.
"Will you behave if we leave my domain now?"
"Yes sir."
He chuckled against my neck, tingles buzzed against the skin his breath landed on, I knew my face was red. He is so...
I trailed that thought off as I blinked, his domain turning into the roof again. My eyes meeting Megumi who knelt on the ground holding his stomach.

I reached out, but his hit my hand back, glaring at me.
"You abomination! What the hell is wrong with you?"
He yelled at me, I felt my body shrink backwards into Gojo seeking comfort in his safety.
"I didn't mean to...I tried to warn you-"
"I should just kill you right now."
He stood up straight, my eyes wandering to a frog's body pierced through a blade, the venom covering the sharp surface.
"That is enough you two. Itadori, Nobara, go take Megumi to get patched up."
"Is Sazan going to be okay?"
Itsdori crouched in front of me, I felt that welling of guilt as I looked into his eyes.

I could have killed his friend. After I killed Megumi, I would have went after Nobara, then him, then our own master.
Yet here Itsdori was, worried about me.
I was sure the affection was due to us both being cursed.
We both surrendered our will to a separate power.
Though Itadori could control it in a way I couldn't.
My curse was not a separate entity like Sukuna. I was still me, my actions just out of my jurisdiction.
"She will live, now go. I will take her to the hospital to get rid of the poison."
Itadori nods, reaching out to me, I flinch as his hand lands in my hair, disheveling it gently.
"Hey, don't worry about this Sazan. Master Gojo is the strongest! He will fix you right up, you will control your curse in no time!"

I blink at him, his smile never fading as he pulls back from me. I glance over at Megumi who was not looking at me at all. Then to Nobara who looked at me with a deep hatred.
Gojo rubbed my arms to get my attention,
"Let's get you patched up hmm?"
I just nod and we stand too, us all going our own ways.

𝖺𝗄𝖺赤 ~ 𝗚𝗢𝗝𝗢 𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗨Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt