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A̸K̸A̸ 𝗋𝖾𝖽 赤

"Sazan! Long time no see!"
Itadori ran to me, pulling me into a strong hug, I didn't flinch at his touch, I relaxed.
Gojo's training really does pay off.
We used Nanami most of the time because I was most cautious of him.
Megumi looked me over in silent distant regard. I lowered my head to him.
"Megumi, Itadori, I would like to ask a favor of you both...if possible."
I close my eyes and await Megumi to hurl an insult at me and leave.
Though it never came.
Instead, he heaved a sigh.
"Lets go. There are three curses living in the old Sitomi shrine. They have been causing trouble for a few days now."

As I opened my eyes in shock, I saw Megumi begin to lead the way, Itadori and I looked at each other with open mouths before following closely after him.
The shrine was grey and a thick fog only covered the temple grounds. Looking from the outside of the tori gates inside, it was obvious it was a curse's home.
"Well, Sazan—I will be your test dummy just this one last time. I want you to know that if you try to kill me, I will end your life with no hesitation."
Megumi gave me a serious look, I nod to him,
"I understand."
"Let's go then."
Megumi led the way, I called behind him, Itadori behind me.
My eyes trailed along the barely visible temple walls, I heard Itadori's fingers graze along the wood.

"We will split up, Itadori, go to the dojo, I will go to the shrine altar. Sazan, search the inside of the temple."
Itadori and I nod at Megumi's instruction, separating.
I slide open the paper door of the temple, here there was no fog. It was just dark and the air thick.
I proceed cautiously, my fingers mapping the walls as I walk, I close my eyes concentrating on the cursed energy.
I felt it approaching rapidly from behind, and then I caught it—
"Domain expansion. Domain of Red. aka赤."
And my hazy red domain erupts around us like a sea of blood.
The curse freezes, I track his eyes around, he begins to wander off towards the tori gates, up the steps...where the souls were...
I call out, but he doesn't listen, I wave my hand to summon my scythe but it does not form.
I rush up the steps after him and when I reach the top, the curse is torn to shreds.

The souls regard me happily, carrying on with their 'days'. I look at the corpse of the curse once more...it started to sink into the ground.
I was more confused than ever. Did these souls kill him?
If Gojo went any further into my domain the other day...would he too be shredded?
I shuddered and closed my eyes, falling backwards from the staircase, and opening my eyes to be lying on the hard wood floor of the temple.
Megumi looking over me.
"It isn't nap time you know."
He muttered, reaching for one of my arms to help me up, he grabs me with a strong grip and pulls me up, patting the dust off of my back.
He is touching me?

Megumi seemed just as surprised as I was because we looked at each other wide eyed. I smiled at him and took his hands into mine,
"Megumi I did it! I didn't hurt you! I only hurt the curse!"
His cheeks flushed a bit, he nods turning his face away from my excitement.
"I'm proud of you...yeah, you did it Sazan."
"Satoru is going to be so happy!"
I felt bubbly and light, Megumi stepping back from me as strong arms hoisted my body into the air from behind, I glance white hair from the corner of my eye and melt into his embrace.
"I am so happy! I am proud of you Sazan, great work!"
"Master—I mean—"
I fluster as I turn in his arms to face him, his smile huge on his lips.
"It is all thanks to you Satoru..."
"My work isn't finished yet."
He hums, setting my body back down, I back up into Megumi accidentally, his hands hold my shoulders to steady me.

"Where is Itadori?"
I look around and he is nowhere in sight.
"Hmm? I don't know actually."
Megumi's hands slide from my shoulders, one hand grabs one of my wrists and he leaned me out of the temple and back into the fog. The last curse is still alive...the one Itadori is in charge of.
Gojo begins to follow us, but Megumi stops him,
"Go back to the school Master Gojo, Sukuna is itching for a fight with you and I have a feeling he is going to make an appearance."
Gojo frowns, looking from Megumi to me,
"I will be fine Satoru! I have been trained by the strongest after all!"
I smile at him before Megumi pulls me off towards the dojo, Gojo looked like he wanted to say something before we left, but Megumi was on a mission and so was I.

"Itadori? You in here?"
Megumi entered the dojo first, I immediately felt a strong presence behind me and jumped into the dojo after Megumi, crashing into him and landing on him on the floor,
"Watch out!"
He hugged me tightly, rolling us to the right to avoid a large hand smashing right where we had been laying.

𝖺𝗄𝖺赤 ~ 𝗚𝗢𝗝𝗢 𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗨Where stories live. Discover now