he took a step toward her until his chest was pushed against hers, a look of fury settling onto his sharp features. his jaw was clenched, eyes dark and narrowed as he held an intense stare with her. he was both amused and shocked by the fact she didn't seem at all fazed but the energy he was sure he was radiating strongly. instead he watched as her lips twitched as she held back a smirk.

"you better watch yourself, little firecracker, i'd hate to see you end up in pain." he growled lowly, only giving her an empty threat. he would never hurt her, ever, but he had to keep his reputation held especially in front of everyone. he didn't want anyone knowing he cared about the girl standing in front of him with challenging eyes.

"you and i both know you wouldn't." she whispered tauntingly, playfulness swirling in her honey brown eyes. if they were alone, he was sure he'd be laughing or at least grinning at her remark. not in this case.

he took her by surprise when his hand closed around the collar of her jacket with a tight grip. "there's a lot i'm capable of, initiate, you better be smart enough to not find out." he all but snarled at her. he stared into her eyes for another long second before releasing his grip on her and walking away.

"do you have a death wish?!" lynn whispered harshly, lightly smacking valentina on the side of her arm. "the fact he didn't strangle you is rather terrifying!" 

valentina rolled her eyes at the dramatics, "i told you he doesn't scare me. that intimidating act doesn't bother me."

"it's not just an act, valentina. he's dangerous." uriah added in which only seem to fuel the frustration in her. something about the way they were dissing eric bothered her strangely. of course he was dangerous, mean, and cold. but she saw a side to him she was sure no one else saw to him. or even cared to see. there was more to him, a side she liked so for them to convince her otherwise, bothered her.

"guys look!" marlene whispered, nodding in the direction in front of them.

valentina turned her head, squinting her eyes to get a clear look of her brother helping this into the train cart. a relieved smile took over her fact at the sight of her friend, confirming not only her suspicions but also sticking to the plan. she watched the girl stick close by to christina and al, who were surprised to see her out of the infirmary.

until the happy moment just of course had to be ruined by the one and only, eric. "who let you out?" he barked at her as he brushed past valentina to stand tall in front of tris.

tris glanced at valentina who nodded in reassurance, "i did." she shrugged.

"you did?" he asked in a slight shocked tone, raising his eyebrows at he studied the girls face. he stole a glance a valentina to see her staring at tris, smart enough to put the pieces together. that girl was going to be the death of him, he was sure. "okay." he after a while of silence, glaring at tris before disappearing into the sea of initiates.

"please tell me you had nothing to do with breaking her out..." uriah mumbled to valentina who only smirked at him. "you sure you were born abnegation?"

she shrugged, "i enjoy the thrill."

"you truly are dauntless, something tells me." lynn nudged valentina who grinned widely at her.

valentina caught the burning gaze of eric, who was studying her rather intently. she smirked in his direction, leaning against the wall of the train cart before averting her attention to her brother who was staring accusatory toward her. he mentally shook his head at the mischief swirling in her gaze, somewhat worried about his little sisters daring actions. especially since she seemed to enjoy messing with eric.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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