chapter five

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chapter five — BULLSEYE
"her throws were almost deadly like,
striking her target precisely but
it seemed to hit one specific spot over and over."

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VALENTINA WAS AMONG THE VERY FEW INITIATES WHO WOKE UP EARLY IN THE MORNING. she had always been an early riser so she wasn't too bothered by the fact she was awake before everyone else. in fact she preferred it this way. it was peacefully quiet as she made her way from the dormitory and through the corridors, to the cafeteria where she searched for breakfast.

there weren't too many people in the cafeteria when she entered. only a few scattered around eating quietly in their own corner. her eyes lit up when she noticed her brother walk in the room from the other entrance. the sight of him alone was enough to relax her and put her at ease. the warm smile that graced his lips when his eyes landed on her gave her the courage to make her way over to him. being able to spend what little bit of time they had meant everything to her. there weren't many eyes watching them.

"how'd you sleep?" he asked her as they made their way toward the counters of already prepared food. 

"better than my first night that's for sure," she chuckled, grabbing two scoops of scrambled eggs and putting them on her tray. "can you tell me what we're going to be doing today?"

he raised an eyebrow at her, "i'm not supposed to tell you."

"c'mon please?" she whined, giving him a pleading grin with wide innocent eyes in hopes he'll crack like he always did before. if there was one thing, he always gave in and caved when it came to his little sister.

"stop doing that." he mumbled pretending she didn't have her puppy look on her face. "and no i'm not telling you even though i want to."

she huffed, adding a blueberry muffin and some bacon to her tray. "fine. i'll remember that."

"i don't doubt that." he chuckled leading her to a faraway table so they could spend their breakfast together.

as time went by more people began piling into the cafeteria for breakfast. part of valentina hoped and prayed her friends wouldn't walk in and interrupt her time with four. their time together during her initiation had to be very limited but whatever time she could get, she of course was going to take it all. though she was slightly annoyed when zeke walked in, already knowing her brothers friend would end up joining the two of them.

"and our sibling time is unfortunately over." she mumbled, breaking off a piece of her muffin and shove it into her mouth. her good mood instantly turned into a sour one when zeke took a seat beside four with a wide grin on his face. four frowned at his little sister, already having a sense she wanted to have their own time together.

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