Coffee for your head ( Homicidal Liu x Reader )

Start from the beginning

" Where are my manners? My name's Liu. And who are you, new neighbor?" He tilted his head as he stuffed a few of your books under his arm, offering his hand to you as he had. His voice sounded as it did when he first spoke.

" Y/n" you took his hand, shivering at his warmth.

"I like that. I think we're going to get to know each other a lot more, if that's okay with you"

~flashback end~

From then on- that boy didn't leave you alone. Green eyes and a black and white striped scarf wrapped around his neck- you always wondered why. Judging by the scars though- did you really need to?

You shook your head as Liu waved his hand in front of you.

" Ya good there? You look out of it with your face all red like that" he chuckled, suddenly pressing his hand to your forehead, his smile dropped.

" You have a fever"

You blinked. Registering the interaction. What was going on again?

That's right.

You pulled away from him, coughing into your sleeve as you did, fumbling your mail key as you had- just barely getting it into the mail boxes lock. " I uh, yea. Sorry, I woke up sick this morning but the mail won't check it's self, so"

You did your best to focus on your task, but you just couldn't get the mail box key to turn, and your body was getting hotter. It was telling you that you had a fever coming on- and that it wasn't going to be pretty if it wasn't cared for soon.


His voice broke your thoughts and he placed a gentle hand on top of yours. It was so much bigger than yours.

" You're shaking. Worry about this later, okay? You're clearly not feeling well" With how softly he spoke- it made his voice sound deeper, even more soothing than it was before. Was this possible?

"I- Liu I'll be okay it's just a cold"

You could hear him chuckle a little. " You clearly don't have anyone to help you out, and you need bed rest. Lemme take care of you"

You blinked at these words. Did he just?

" Liu" you looked up at him with a confused look. " What are suggesting? I don't need anyone to care for me"

This made the boy frown, as you looked up at him you could see the concern and worry on his face. "Just come to my place so I can make you some tea or coffee at least? "

You thought for a moment, his body heat felt inviting and honestly, the mail could wait. Reluctantly you agreed and pulled your keys. The boy seemed to bubble with excitement as he lead you to his apartment, he watched as you shivered again- prompting him to pull off his black wool jacket and place it around you.

You flushed in embarrassment, but snuggled into the oversized jacket, leaning in close to him, and he carefully hovered an arm behind your back- ready to catch you if you slipped on the icy walk. " Thank you, won't you be cold though?"

"Nah we're a few steps from the door. Besides, you look pretty cute in it. It's so big on you" he said teasingly- shooting you a smirk over his shoulder as he opened the door for you two to enter his home.

"Liu you're a liar. I look ridiculous " you giggled, and he laughed.

" Whatever. How do you like your coffee?"

You thought for a moment before telling him how you usually make yours as he set up his coffee maker. He made a small whistle in response.

" That's a lot of sugar and creamer" he teased, " gonna get cavities"

Trick your Treat (Creepypasta Various! X Reader) one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now