Part 25: Mate?

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"Minutes passed and we were still in the classroom. After our hot make out session, it was obvious we were a couple now. I looked at the time and first was ending and now it's second period. Field time. We got our stuff and left the room to go outside."

"And I knew it. We were late. We arrived at the field, and everyone stopped what they were doing to look at the sight of two people being late. But of course, They would think we were having sex." Late Tessa and Alex. "Ajax looked at us knowingly and with a smile." 

You two would be needed in the office after class but for now Tessa to your partner and Alex looking around for any mistake. "I had already changed in the girl's bathroom before coming so I put my stuff down and went to Cara." Wow, out of all people he could've had, He wanted His mate.

What do you mean? "I said looking at her confused." You and Alex are mated to each other. "I still looked confused on what she was talking about, I mean mate?" I'll have to ask Ajax for some lessons to trigger that inner wolf of yours. There's more to being a wolf and a queen at that.

"We got in stance and since I'm more practiced at controlling my strength and emotions, it will be safe for everyone I fight against. After all of the fair fighting.


I'm sorry that I made this one short. I ran out of ideas for this part but there are more parts that I'll be doing, and I will try to make more time so that I could create or change anything that you all may have for me. I would really appreciate it if you could help on what ideas you've got for me in future terms. Thank you and hope you enjoyed and enjoy for more to come.

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