Part 20: Challenges

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"I walked into my room and laid on my bed and just looked up at the ceiling and thought 'what was I thinking'. I shouldn't have done that, and I've never felt that way before. The thrill of fighting, I mean training alone was fun, but I think I over did it."

"I stand from my bed and decided to grab some food from my brother's office. At the thought of this my phone pings, I picked it up and it was Jake texting me to come to the office. Yup I know I over did it. I walked out of the room and down the hall I go."

"Before I go around the corner, I hear people talking quietly about what happened in the field. They're mostly saying how crazy I went on the girl named Cassie. I Took a deep breath knowing how this is going to affect me this day on forward. I walked pasted them and into the office."

"I closed the door behind me and faced my brother not knowing what to expect." I heard that you went on the field today. Your strong, you know that. Right? "He said looking at me from his desk." Yes, I know that. But I think I over did it. I showed a lot of strength.

"I said scratching the back of my neck, not knowing how to explain it." You need to get your strength under control Tess and not just when your angry, when your upset. Thoughs are two emotions that you need to control. 

"He said walking over to me by the door. He's taller than me. I was only five/three." Are you ready to test out your actual strength? Because if you are, then we'll know if you over done it. "He said making me nervous at myself and what he's got planned."

"But I nod anyways accepting the challenge."

**Time passes**

What. the. actual. Hell. "I said in my head as I'm staring at those Light brown eyes of my long-lost crush and best friend. I looked at Jake for any explanation. It seemed like he understood what I wanted to know Because he walked in front of us."

"We are standing in the fields circle outside of the bright sunset." Alex Here is a Pro and He has been here for as long as our parents called for me to be the headmaster of this school. "I looked confused by what he said but I didn't want to ask further on that topic."

You guys we'll be training together from now on. Alex here will be your challenger until you are ready. "Again, confusion is written on my face at this. It was only making me more curious on what they're all hiding from me."

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