Part 7: His story

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" I walked outside of the entrance of the school and i saw him there in the shade looking up at the sky. It was very warm and pretty out with butterflies playing and flying around the school grounds."

Hey Ajax. "I said walking to him. He looks down from the sky towards me and smiled." Have you been waiting there all day long? "I ask looking confused." No, I came back a few minutes after your classes were over.

"His face became blank as he looked back at the school. I looked where he was looking and saw two girls, Kayla and Marie looking over at me and whispering. I looked at Ajax and tried turned his attention toward me and to lighten the mood."

Ajax, it's okay. There just mean girls who likes to talk about people, anyone, and about everything. " I tried reassuring him, but he wasn't bugging one bit."

I don't like them. what connection do they have with you and why do they keep looking over here and smiling? "Ajax said looking at me for answers I know of" I... I don't know. look they are probably looking at you and seeing someone near me isn't exactly a normal thing for me around here.

"I said turning him around and going someplace else. We sat on a bench that was further away from the school, a better place to have a non-normal but normal conversation." So? "I said waiting for him to tell me his story of what happen that night everything went wrong."

Well after that night, I woke up confused and hungry and I felt very sick and cold. It was like nothing would stop it till these humans came by and they just looked so... uhm... you know. So, I followed them, but I had no clue the power I held would be so strong in that moment.

I couldn't control what was happening to me it was like something, or someone was taking over my body. I wanted to stop and run from there, but I knew what was becoming of me, I knew that would be a major change in my life mother had told me about.

"While he was talking about what happen to him, all I could do was stair and feel upset about the story of his, he was telling."

"I felt scared for him and looking at him now, I wanted to hug him. He just had a confused, blank look on his face." and so that's what happen. "I sat there processing on what he has told me and what he went through in that process." So... What are you, if you don't mind me asking?

I'm a hybrid, Mixed vampire and werewolf. "He said and I looked away processing all together on what was said. I've never knew my life would turn like this at all, it was complicated, overwhelming and new. I had no idea what to feel."

"I felt overheated in the head and sick in the stomach. So, I grabbed a water from my backpack and dranked some water and put it back. I checked the time on my phone and fear took over my whole body." umm.... I have to go now, but it was really nice meeting you again and I won't ever forget this day. 

" I said in hurry and stood up from the bench." Woah, slow down why are you in such a hurry for? My foster parents, they're not the exactly welcoming type and its almost late and they're goanna be really mad at me for not coming home. Anyways I really have to go.

"I said about to run away from the school and him, but I felt the dizziness again, but I had to run home before things got bad, so I tried my best and ran home."

The unknown creatureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora