28|Emilia's Day

Start bij het begin

I lowered myself before looking him in the eyes. "Don't try me, Santo."

Pure rage was on his face now. I have never spoken to him like that.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him, leaving no space between us.

As he looked down on me I could feel those butterflies again. I wanted them to stop but at the same time, I wanted him to kiss me.

I didn't know what to do. I have never told someone I liked them before. Anthony was the one who told me that he liked me and I just went along with it.

Anyone would be scared to tell someone they liked them; especially to a man like Santo.

However I knew that I needed to protect my heart so I did something that will anger him even more.

I bit my lips as I stared at him in the eyes. "I like this."

"Whatever you're trying with me Emilia quit it," he started. "It won't end in your favor."

Why'd he have to show me the nice side of him? Why couldn't he always be like this? If had done so, I would've remained hating him and wouldn't have fallen under his spell.

"You're the worst thing that's ever happened to me, Santo," I said truthfully.

His hands tightened around my waist as he squeezed me harder. "Am I?"

I swallowed hard. "Yeah."

He finally let go of me. "Well, I can't say you're the worst thing that's ever happened to me but you're damn well near it."

He looked at his watch.

"As much as I'd like to stand here and argue in a conversation that will get us nowhere, I have a meeting to attend. Enjoy yourself today, princess," he said before patting my shoulder and walking away.

My hands started to shake as rage took over me. I've never been this frustrated to the point where I get physically angry.

I can't like Santo. This is not how liking someone is supposed to feel. I've never been upset at Anthony before.

You can't hate and like someone at the same time.

I smiled. This has to mean that I don't like Santo.

Maybe I never liked him at all. Maybe it was just an effect of me adjusting to living with a man.

In class, we learned that feelings can sometimes be misinterpreted.

Maybe I misunderstood how I felt. Maybe I stopped hating him for a while and thought I liked him.

I don't like my husband.

I smiled as I confidently walked down to the kitchen where I met a woman in chef's clothing.

She smiled before walking up to me. "You must be Mrs. Valentino. I am Chef Bianchi."

"Nice to meet you," I said politely before sitting down.

"What can I make you?" she asked. "I am an expert in cuisines from all over the world. What would you like to try? Korean? Jamaican? Indian? Oh, maybe Russian-styled?"

I felt overwhelmed by the variety. "A simple Italian breakfast will be fine."

She seemed disappointed by my bland choice. "Right away, boss!"

I gave a small smile before checking my phone. Isabella had called me ten times.

I decided to call her back. She was still my best friend after all.

"Oh my gosh," she answered. "Emilia!"

"Hi," I awkwardly answered.

She started crying. "I'm so sorry. You are my best friend and I made you feel like you were not welcome. Your mom and my dad talked some sense into me. I should've considered how you would feel."

"It's fine," I told her. "It's not like you were the only one who considered me as a traitor."

"Em, I did not consider you as I traitor. I would never," she defended herself.

"Okay, I believe you," I told her. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course," she said. "Go ahead."

"When did you know you liked your husband?" I asked nervously.

"Does this have anything to do with a certain Valentino whose name is Santo?" she asked and I could tell she was smiling her ass off on the other end.

"No!" I immediately defended myself. "I'm asking for a friend."

She sighed. "Em, I'm your only friend."

"Well, I made new ones," I said as I got embarrassed. "If you're not going to answer the question, I'm hanging up."

"Wait!" she pleaded. "I knew I liked him when I caught myself thinking about him all the time."

I don't think about him all the time.

"I find myself smiling more often whenever he's around."

Maybe I have been smiling a bit more than usual but that still doesn't mean anything.

"The thing that made me certain that I liked him were the butterflies I got whenever he did something. When you get butterflies from someone, it's too late. You've already fallen into their trap."

My hands started to shake and I felt a pit in my stomach.

"I have to go," I said before quickly hanging up.

I have to disregard everything that Isabella told me. Just because those things made her know that she liked him doesn't mean the same for me.

"Here you go ma'am," the chef said as she placed the plate in front of me.

My smile slowly faded as I examined the dish. It was an egg with leaves sprinkled around it.

"What are these?" I asked as I pointed to the leaves.

"It is my special plant, ma'am," she answered as she started cleaning the kitchen. "Please dig in."

There was barely anything to dig into.

When I tasted the food, I frowned.

Santo's cooking was one thousand times better than this.

I wanted his food.

"How is it?" she smiled.

"Good," I nodded.

Her food lacked personality and style. It was just fancy with no love.

However, who am I to judge? My cooking will never come as close to this.

I took a few more bites before checking the time.

The time was already one in the afternoon.

I stood up. "I have to go. Thanks for cooking, chef!"

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