21|Bittersweet Moments

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*Chapter song included*

*Chapter song included*

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Emilia's POV

I was awoken as a stabbing pain in my head demanded my attention.

When I finally opened my eyes, I was still wrapped in the arms of Santo.

I managed to lift my head to see his closed eyes as his chest slowly rose and fell. He was still asleep.

Should I wake him?

He had been having a hard time sleeping so I didn't want to disrupt him and to be honest, I really liked how it felt to be wrapped in his arms.

His muscular arms made me feel safe and secure. I knew that in these arms, no one would dare to trouble me.

Just a few more minutes and I'll wake him.

I closed my eyes as I buried my head in his chest again.

I furrowed my eyebrows when his phone began to ring.

Please don't wake up. Please don't wake up. Please don't wake up.

I internally screamed when he started to move.

He groaned as his arms unwrapped from around me. I made sure to keep my eyes shut and pretend I was still asleep.

"What?" I heard him angrily answer as he came out of the bed and walked out the room.

When I heard the door shut, I opened my eyes and sat up.

The world around me suddenly turned too bright, and even the softest sounds such as the air blowing out of the air conditioner or the birds chirping outside became an unwelcomed cacophony.

I'm never drinking again.

How did Santo go three days in a row without being this affected? Was this man a robot or something?

I flinched as I heard him yelling from outside.

I immediately fell back on the bed and covered my ears with a pillow.

It hurts so much.

"Why are you yelling?" I screamed as the pain was almost unbearable.

It's like the longer I am awake, the more I feel it.

"Get that pilot on the damn runway now!" he shouted as he stormed back into the room.

Pilot? Runway? What is he talking about?

Is this a dream?

He touched me. "Emilia, wake up."

"No," I groaned as I turned on my side. "Go away."

"Emilia, you need to get up now, we're leaving," he spoke in a demanding tone.

I forced myself to sit up. "Leaving? What are you talking about?"

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