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Santo's POV

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Santo's POV

"Santo, don't you think you should ease up on the drinks? You know you can't focus when you do this?" Dante asked as drank down the bottle of gin.

"That's the point," I told him. "My wife just ran away from me, what else do you want me to do?"

"You could've stopped her," Jaz said as she tried to turn on Emilia's laptop.

Dante hit me. "You're such an idiot."

"She didn't want me to stop her. She said she never wants to see me again," I told them as I lowered my head.

"Didn't you say this was her first relationship?" Dante asked me and I nodded. "Then you should've stepped up."

I took another mouthful as I tried to get myself drunk as possible.

"I know she hurt you but don't you think you hurt her too?" Dante asked. "She must've been scared being left like that. She's been protected her whole life."

Every word Dante said kept making me feel worse than I already felt.

"Whose side are you on right now, brother?" I asked him.

"Your side but you also did some messed up things," he said.

"I'm team Emilia," Jaz said as the laptop finally turned on.

I rubbed my forehead as I tried not to get frustrated.

When I walked in the house and saw that she wrote an essay about me, I freaked out.

I didn't want to hear what she had to say.

It reminded me of when everyone kept saying I was a psycho and that I killed my brother.

It reminded me of why I have trust issues.

The house feels to lonely again without her.

The silence nearly drove me crazy last night.

"Santo, are you crying?" Dante asked me and I wiped my eyes.

"No, something in my drink is making my eyes watery," I lied.

This is what I was afraid of. This is why I didn't want my heart back.

Dante sat down next to me and poured himself a drink. "Holy shit, Santo is crying over a girl."

I started to strangle him. "No, I am not!"

He started to strangle me back. "Yes, you are! You're such an idiot."

"I'm going to kill you!" I shouted at him before we started to fight.

"You had such a good wife and you just let her leave!" He shouted as he punched me and I didn't fight back.

He kicked me in the stomach over and over.

"You keep sabotaging yourself and I'm sick of it!" He angrily shouted before storming out.

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