Special Chapter

571 35 12

Hoseok runs on the hallway of the palace, he needs to get the Prince in their room, the young queen is asking for his presence. A lot of servants are walking around holding the things the physicians asked them to get ready for her

"Where the hell is he!"
Hoseok groans trying to catch his breath. He's been running still searching for him when he bumps into the corner of the corridor. Jungkook is walking in silence holding a new pair of baby clothes in a box he just got in the market, the young queen asked him early that morning to get it after she liked it yesterday when they both saw it hanged on the display window of a baby shop but wanted a specific designs and details

Hoseok grabs him in the arm and plans to drag him all the way to their room

"What's wrong? Why are you in a hurry?" The general asked him with furrowed eyebrows

"The queen is requesting you to be with her, she needs you immediately!"

Hoseok is taking long strides to reach her in time
"What happened? why are you to hurry. She told me to get this dress in a couturier"

"and what took you so long?"

"long? I've been out for half an hour. The clothes is not yet finish that i have to wait till they complete the designs"

Jungkook is now worried why his friend acts like this but he's not saying anything. He just drags him that they almost running through the hall of the palace

"at last! You're here now Prince Jeon"
Queen mother open the door of their room the moment they just stop for Hoseok to opens it for them

"what, what is happening?" He tries to look behind her to search for his wife. Then a scream has been heard throughout the room. Few servants walk past them holding a lot of bathroom towels, blankets and water in a basin

"where is she!"
He drops the box of dress and makes way inside, he pull out some people to see his love in pain, drenched in her own sweat. Jimin is sitting beside the bed with a towel in hand wiping her tears and sweat while holding one of her hand in tight grip

"My love"
Jungkook can't believe what happened for just being away from her for the shortest time possible. He just got out of the palace to do her request to get the dress she personally order and now he has returned to his wife in pain of labour

They will meet their child a few hours from now and Jungkook doesn't know where to put himself just by looking at how painful the situation the young queen is right now

Taehyung has opened her eyes to look at his husband now that she heard his voice calling for her. She reach out her hand for him and Jungkook is fast to holds it. She closes her eyes tight again feeling the shooting pain in her sides. She raises one of her knees trying to ease the pain till it subsides and a tear fall down again on her cheeks

She cries in pain. Jungkook wipes her tears leaning to plant a kiss on her forehead

"You can do this Tae, I love you... We will meet our baby, be strong for me, yes?"
Taehyung nods her head feeling the coming pain again on her side

Jungkook glares at the physicians and nurses with them. He wants to stay calm in moments like this but seeing her love in this hard pain makes him angry

"What are you waiting for! Do something! Can't you see your queen is in pain!"
He turns to his wife and ask her

"Let's go to the hospital.. you'll be alright there.. I promise you"
But Taehyung shakes her head in eager

"No, I.  I don't like to deliver our child in that place"

"But Love.." he insists more but Taehyung has decided.. she wouldn't allow them to get her in an ambulance and rush to the delivery room. Taehyung is afraid but she wouldn't admit it. She doesn't like hospital ever since her father died

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